Pet, pet, pet
They can't form sentences. no words, no sentences - only noises a dog would make." pet, pet, pet. just woofing and barking instead. "what is your name?" "wroof!" _cody_. "and what are you?" "woof." _a dog_. "that's a good dog.
Weird Writings
Me still form sentence good. me know me good writer. me can write book and it get the out there 'p' word. meebe me write 2 fast. me need right slow and take time make sure it all correct good.
Lost Little Kitty Chapter 8
If you show remorse and be honest, you may only get a short sentence. at this point, i'll be honest, the most they can get you for without question is possession and smuggling.
Amazed that she spoke in full sentences i decided to ask why does she speak in full sentences every now and then and normally speak in just few words.
Possum Prison Pussy - Part 1
That ain't no light sentence neither." "nah, not a light sentence," fruit-loop agreed. "had to have done something pretty bad to convict someone this young." "how old are ya cheeks?" string-bean asked. "yeah, how old are ya?" fruit-loop pried.
The Expedition. The Rescue. (Extra Chapter Two)
Isaac's sentence was immediately cut off as a second set of godly paws landed just by his side.
First Date (discontinued)
This story (minus this intro and outro) would be filled with short, simple sentences. it might be choppy, as i am more used to writing longer sentences. this is more of a test/experiment than anything else._ the sun was setting. george sighed.
Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 1
"as i was saying, this court sentences the defendant whistler uxibarae to thirty five years labour.
More Rest
If they start piling up make it city public, if that doesn't work we would probably petition the city for a more stringent sentence." the people talk among themselves a moment and harriet asks me a question.
Your fancy space suit (Commission for anonymous).edited
~" the fox spoke with a very friendly voice, almost letting out a soft giggle by the end of his sentence but managing to hold himself.
A Trial
Your sentence is," i see harry rush to his wife to hold her. "your sentence is to take care of this town and be it's headman, your wife will make sure the women stay in line as well. this is your sentence, your loyalty cause people to be harmed.
A lost bet (commission for DinoPony)
"write 'everyone's favorite toy," girl," morpheus asked, as soon as the smaller dragon finished writing the last sentence. he placed one hoof on fridis' head and the other on his chest, now decorated with a few sentences.