Helluva Boss: Is There No Gray in Hell? Part 1
Asmodeus was surprised to see the little imp he had publicly humiliated crouching on a black skeletal staircase of a fire escape above his car at the end of a long night of music and steamy, adrenaline-soaked atmosphere. He was casually...
Snuffing Muffet
To your surprise, muffet's body crawls with little spiders. at first, looking down in the darkness, they seem almost like the spiders you know from above.
Tenth Invocation - Better then Two
"a spider, they are creepy." "not a normal spider, but a big one, about the same size as i am," he replied, shivering a bit, rubbing his hand over the side of his arm, but there was a smile on his face.
Nitemare Bathhouse - Setsuko
Once she had ascertained that it was fixed in place, she seated herself in the stool-chair, and one of her spider-limbs handed her a little remote, the same color as the capsule.
Before long, the wicked spider's ovipositor was juuuuuuust reaching the back of aqua's tunnel.
Leilani Meets Spiderman
You say they gain many spider gifts then say there are many things they cannot do that spiders do. i think your song is very wrong. it should say, 'spider-man, spider-man, does some things a spider can.'" the author frowns.
spider's fingers delved into the fox's maw pinning their tongue. saerro felt spider's thumb bury in under his jaw, gripped and guided to another section of the warehouse.
Team Argos, Chapter 4
**tom, matt & kiva** while the others were attacking the spider, both tom and matt were searching. they searched for any powered individuals who were spiders. they searched for known spider criminals.
Everybody Won
"bring me to a nest of spiders?". ripto only grinned even more. "oh, yes spyro, it is really a nest, but not for 'spiders', but just one spider." spyro only looked at him "are you nuts? did you saw the size of the webs?
Earthquake's experience 1: baroness the spider Queen.
Then he felt baroness' front hole open and then a spider egg came out. "looks like you're a spider mommy," earthquake interjected. then he penetrated her once again, this time another spider egg came out.
Nesting Season pt1
Seemingly done with it's task, the big spider moves on, leaving the girl to have a half dozen of the smaller spiders, and one tiny one, approach her.
The Traitor Chapter 8
"well, if we don't have to fear the spiders attacking us, let's see how far this goes." the sound of heavy footsteps made them stop. everyone got into a circle formation. in seconds, they were surrounded by spiders.