My Very Own Cow Butt!

I am here at 'denise's one horn ranch' to take a vacation as a standard holstein cow." \*hereford waves at the camera. denise nods.\* denise: "good!"

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Prison ship breakout

Each boarding ship contained 8 soldiers, each soldier wearing standard issue assualt armor and wielding the standard issue assualt rifle. the boarding ships hit the side of the prison ship and started to bore their way through the hull of the ship.

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File #17

As a result, the warrior has returned to standard orbit and there is no sign of romulans, meaning they think we have been destroyed.

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Desert Spice Saloon's Charity Car Wash

Fleischman informed everyone participating that full-service customers could do as they pleased in their vehicles as we washed them--on the condition they stayed there, and we didn't do anything other than provide the standard car wash fantasy.

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Tulip Gardens: Training Guide

Clothing the asylum standard underwear is white boxer briefs. patients that are not undertaking diaper training should wear our standard white boxer briefs. these underwear provide exceptional comfort.

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Dangerous Dynamo #3

As the mob edged closer the gold standard sent the gathered energy toward them.

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Imperial Justice

Noticing alexi's armour the skunk made a fist and pressed it to his left breast, the standard imperial military salute. the raccoon returned the salute. "what happened here, soldier?"

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Tales of The Thief King: Chapter 5: The Path Ahead.

Well truthfully while i was more upset by having to forcefully train him instead of having it occur naturally as he goofs up, my standards are actually stricter than the slave guild's standards. ishon looked nervous as hell but quickly said "yes sir!

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The Cub and the Cabin (Work in Progress) Cast

To quote him regarding the standards of whom he will bed, "low as they are, they are still standards." being a classic opportunist, will steal anything that isn't nailed down. **_the entity known as "he"-_** nobody is really sure on this one.

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Dream Girl

Shelby emerged from his mothers' closet with jeans and a standard blue shirt. shelby had cut a hole in the back of her pants so her tail could stick comfortably. "so what would we do?" shelby asked curiously.

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Drive, Prologue.

standard driver's should the need arise they are primarily used for funerals and moving slightly important people about, and that then leaves us with the elite driver's like me, i can and will do the jobs of the standard and advanced driver's when the company

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What will Come Ch2

The townhouse wasn't at all large by noble standards but it was much bigger than common people could afford in a town. taking her small paw she gripped the large door knocker picking it up and letting it fall three times.

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