A Vampire's Fetish

My prey is still unharmed, his beautiful neck offered, pulsing with life, the blood so close to my mouth.

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That his day trip ends with him leaving munum as planned, unharmed and with good memories. that is all i request, sheik malifa. if not for my sake, then for security. if he fails to see me, he may get suspicious.

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Chapter 68 - Investigating the Truth

We should accept the fact they are here with us now, safe and relatively unharmed." cayla scoffed, "if you consider two half-comatose, paralyzed women and one feverish youth unharmed." "well, i'll take what i can get!" darunia grinned.

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 5

In that split second, helena turned and kicked one of the unharmed windows, the glass shattered and a second later she had jumped through it. she was council. no doubt she'd survive that. "now where were we?"

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The Coffin: Part 2

"or maybe it was a day or two... but nonetheless, you were at my mercy and i left you unharmed. is that enough to convince you?" marcus nodded, still taking another step backward.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 10-Weapon's Training

I crossed the finish line panting,but otherwise unharmed. "time,rolland said,44 seconds,all insurgents killed,no civilian kills,no damage taken,and your ae/td ratio was,rolland paused as a wide smile crossed his face,1/1.

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The Collision Part 1: Changes

Judging by what both you and darius have said you shouldn't be alive, and yet here you stand relatively unharmed." "unharmed my ass!

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Brewing Storm and Two Keys

"grandma sent him to perminently silence you and to bring me to her unharmed. jaxal get ready and tie this sack of flesh up, we're taking a trip to visit the rest of my family." i instructed calmly.

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A Mystery

Thankfully she is relatively unharmed..." "now how did that happen?" i waited for the priestess's answer; i wanted to hear how things happened from her perspective. maybe it would shine some light on how i got here.

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Anatomical Anachronisms: Prologue: Firewood Carving

He sang another self-styled spell, _"though your light is snuffed_ _i can still huff and puff_ _i'll alight this candle_ _with a green mantle__"_ though the surface of the wood was burned, he reached down into the unharmed layer just beneath and breathed

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The Champions of Mobius-Mavericks Lost Brother

Despite his attack the hedgehog emerged unharmed and completely unphased by the attack as he retaliated with a swift combo to mavericks body before firing an energy blast that sent him crashing into a street light leaving him a little bruised and bloody.

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The crystall skull - Short background history

But the city itself was mostly unharmed by the attacks, this leaving it opened for trade to be continued immediately after the war has finished.

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