Chapter 54 - Under the Cover of Black

After recovering from the upheaval, she turned to him with hatred in her eyes, "what...are you?" placing a hand to his chest, he introduced himself caustically, "i am barrachas. you've no doubt heard of me."

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Chapter 36 - Flight From the Dark

Recovering from the upheaval, ruto swirled her legs in an arc catching zelda off guard, the leg fin sliced through zelda's calf as she went to a knee in pain. link slashed forward with his sword intent to put an end to ruto's life.

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Every School Boy's Dream

Owen shakily stood up, still half asleep, "that'd be because of their ties with the british, and the fact that they saw it as a peasant upheaval against the french aristocracy, which, if they decided to help, could influence those of the lesser class in the

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The Crew of the OSX-356

The galaxy is in upheaval, and even though we are no elite unit we are relied on to complete important missions." he paused and looked at the dirt below before shutting his eyes.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Qq - Uu)

In the early years of this sudden upheaval of beliefs these new settlements were attacked and many were killed. since then the villages have grown in size, and are large enough to be able to fend off such attacks.


Thoughts on religious concepts within WtV

The stranded & the snowleopards: they come from an old society that only due to cultural upheaval after a more-or less accidentally made discovery woke up again.


The Divide: Lavender and Vanilla

By blood, by honor, and by battle, she had proven that and with war waging all around their quiet little world, the kelpies simply could not afford to risk her wrath nor the upheaval of shifting allegiances and colors.

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Under A Wingbeat

The upheaval was over three hundred years ago." moonbay turned her attention to the angel's face. the rust stains under its eyes made it seem like it was crying. she felt a bit sad that people turned this place into a tourist trap.

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Luck Of The Draw

The chariot shows you in control, and the tower is either a great upheaval or a sudden revelation. as for the devil..." the bird blushed, shaking their head. "i think the deck might be messing with us." "how so?"

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Chapter 18 - A Place of Refuge

With a crackling sound of upheaved dirt and grass, the bush surged upwards from the ground revealing itself to be a massive plant with a wreath of sharp leaf blades spinning in deadly spirals. it was a parasitic plant commonly known as a peahat.

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Slaying the Void (yiff scene)

S'kra was still in a great upheaval of pleasure as she finally recovered from her first orgasm, the sweat erupting from her pores combined with her strong pheromones, which were already assaulting skie's senses.

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Lord and Master (Goldeneye's backstory) - Part 1: Coalesce

Each layer of the veil was agony to break, and my mind was in upheaval with every tremor. only one thing kept me together... desire. lust to experience. it may have taken me a full two millennia of ripping, tearing pain to gain entry.

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