The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 28
The ice dragoness wasn't an amateur to fall for such a simple trick, she too covered her frame with a layer of icy dust.
Volteer's Academic Pursuits
"when i get back next week, you are to have remembered the ice dragon's anatomy and had better tell me how long it would take for an ice dragon to freeze boiling water!"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 53
The ice dragoness bit her lips hard, with great difficulty holding back the announcement of her return. she so desperately wanted her mother to recognize her.
Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 18 -- On The Road Again?
"oh, sorry, my bad," solar said, getting up from his roll he'd gone into to avoid hitting the ice dragon. cyril stared at him briefly in surprise but shook his head and addressed his fellow ice dragon warrior.
Eaten by Cryotix
Almost falling over as you came to and realized you were standing before the great ice dragon once more. did all of that actually happen or was it a dream?
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 10
Even if she didn't pay him much attention, panting heavily like a bull, her glowing green eyes constantly aimed at the ice dragon, he hoped that she felt his support.
TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 4)
Hypter explained making flame react since he didn't know hypter was an ice dragon. "but how could you do that?" flame said. "oh right, you and ember don't know i'm an ice dragon. anyway now you two know it as well." hypter said.
Chapter 10: Through Another's Eyes
As they neared the banks, the ice guardian cyril flew down with a flock of ice dragons behind him.
Caribbean Esther Ch. 4
Finally, the ice dragon himself, who had combed his red hair into a ponytail in the back with a snow-white overcoat, came to pay his congratulations on the royal couple.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 21
She was just out of reach form glacia's attacks as she ran around the ice dragoness.
Malefor and the Guardians
Cold as one would expect from something from an ice dragon.
LBFG Chapter 3
Although the guardians were often frustrated by the ice dragon's egotistical behaviour, it was fun to watch him control flame the way that he (and only he) did. he had a real knack for it.