Candy Forests
Pleasantly smelling and rich in sugars, the flowers offer an alternative to the harder plant matter that otherwise makes up the bennettitale, thus acting as yet another line of defense.
DoC-Ep1-The Intro-
He is very skinny but is known to eat a lot and not gain a whole lot of weight, he is also not very smart but makes up with his hard working nature to succeed.
Bonds of Love (3)
She tried making up stuff so i wouldn't like her. like how she might be rissa, but i knew she wasn't.
up on the drive-way patios, smoking cigarettes and lingering in reconciliation.
S1 C1 E3 "Privacy"
Usually you are the one who makes up something fun to do! we just ate, and now we're home." "yeah," troy yawned, "we are home, we did eat..." he continues to tease around, "maybe we could have some fun?"
Random Idea.
He's a bit short, height wise, but he makes up for it in other departments." smiling off kilter a bit, he shrugged his shoulders. "at least, this is what i've been told.
017 Wardrobe Malfunction
When they're sitting down, he sits behind her and works on tying up the ribbon-straps in an orderly manner, making up for his 'passionate gesture'. she can't help but think, though, that she's a little more exposed to him than she's been before.
Young Sun - Photos
Ayra didn't mind the mildly uncomfortable feeling of the bulging knot inside her, the warmth more than making up for it.
There was no better sensation in this world than two lovers, making up for their mistakes in life. the couple broke the kiss to look at each other's eyes.
About Meri
While kurietta was decisive and determined, meri had difficulty in making up her mind and she would often end up missing out.
Cross-Love Prologue
#1 of cross-love katrina makes up for her teasing of preston. leave comments on what i should write next. preston's p.o.v not used to living alone with a girl, despite the fact that she was my girlfriend, it still feels weird.
project wolfsoul: chpt 5: prostituted pt2
I asked "it makes up for a lack of female muzzle around it" john was about to argue when the plane landed, knocking both the cages over "oh bugger!" he cried.