Agony of Steel
Kon heard the alakazam drone when a siren blared in the distance. "shit it's the rangers alakazam teleport us out of here!" hector yelled.
Carbon C's story
"uh huh..." the alakazam squinted his eyes with suspicion. "i was named riz by my trainer. i don't do anything. who is paust?" "like i said, my friend," ark nodded happily. "he's a hypno.
Mystery's Mystery
The alakazam stared in disbelief as the young charmander did what few highly experienced pokemon could do, or ever hope to do. focusing more, the alakazam tried to knock him out by the sheer power of his mind.
The rope is psychically undone and falls to the floor, as the alakazam floats her body a ways away to one of the comforters to rest comfortably.
Pokemon ballbusting blurbs: #1-5
Before the male knew what was happening, his legs had been yanked apart by a strong psychic pull, and the alakazam's foot was buried in his groin.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 12: Shockingly Good Old Time!
At that point alakazam appears in a flash. hakuzo sighs a bit annoyed at the alakazam's random appearances. alakazam projects into everyone's minds. "you have purified the first of the three legendary birds.
The Remembering
He depressed the button, and with a pop and a flash his alakazam stood by his side. _be ready,_ he whispered in his thoughts. _always,_ the alakazam answered. a ripple.
PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 8
Taven's was obvious, but what did the alakazam hope to gain from this? aside from what little they've been told by cale and jake, the alakazam was a virtual unknown. all they really knew about the alakazam was that he was well-equipped and dangerous.
The Dark Descent Chapter 3
Hilda replied to the alakazam. the dwarf actually got along well with thea, even though they had very different beliefs and came from very different places. hearing that from a dwarf mad thea feel a lot better.
Science and religion 9: WHY IS THE FAILSAFE DOWNSTAIRS?!?!
Jason looks up as the alakazam yells at him. "(i'm sorry?)" "(i don't care whether you want to fuck a guy or a girl or a ditto- but not yet.)" the alakazam hisses. "(we wait, then we do what we want.)" "(want now.)" jason states, growling.
The Gift of Time
The alakazam looked to the two stirring forms. "as i was saying, they don't look like they'll be doing anything for awhile. i hit them pretty hard. and they're only young things.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 5
It was amazing how much alakazam was like his grandfather... chris thought as he pressed onward, pushing him to live his life instead of looking back and worrying over them.