The Story That Began on East Second Street

We moved out stuff from an old apartment to the antique that is my house. i was around five at the time, and was excited for the change into a new place to call my home. now, i look back at that old place as a distant memory.

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How I got Damned - Preamble

Like the sirens of antiquity, they flatter the ears and cast a spell over you. but if you give in to them, you are lost. these are the stories of those who have fallen for it. the unfortunate ones who followed its call.

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One door closes...

She's not surprised to see that its some manner of communicator made to look like an antique, "warehouse, i have a guest i'm bringing home," he says as he shuffles to the back of the room.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 2

It's a collectable, and it's very popular on the antique sport-firing circuit." "sounds like you're a collector yourself," chided nick. "no... but i know a few mammals who are into antique firearms," the wolf replied.

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The Coyote's Ring

An old antique store, out of the way and seemingly abandoned. if she was going to find a good deal anywhere, it would be here. the sharp ring of a bell greeted her as she slowly pushed open the front door.

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Words: Prologue

The office of society replaced the antiquated 'space guild', which had been the lawmaking body for the entire system.

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Ragnarok - IX

All the air was turning gold translucent, like the film of antique movies all in shades of brown as if shot through a lens of topaz carved. somewhere night was coming.

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Eastern Dragon’s Punishments

The owner has gone back thirty minutes ago and now the chinese antique store in front of her has no lights.

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Sleazy Pickings

antiques are a sense of attitude, and they with such have a way of deciding of whom they feel is worth their time to service.

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Changes: chapter 4

I got a job at an antique store, and i will see about that match. what type is it? jump, balloon, race, or skill?"

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The halls were a massive of antiques and clutter, but harold paid it no mind. with surprising nimble grace he was able to sidestep and squeeze by any and all obstacles.

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New Ventures Part 1

"and i think we're just about done here," todd said happily to himself, setting down the brush he'd been using to apply the final coat of varnish to an antique dutch side table.

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