Labor of Love

Julian went to the cot he had in his office as bruno came over and whimpered. julian sighed and got up, getting the leash to take his german sheppard for a walk.

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Bad Porn: Chapter Five

Green paws shot out from beneath the cot, and gripped at silas's chest, pulling him back down to the cot, the green fur surrounding his neck, choking him, the kangaroo's efforts to break free worthless, as his entire body seemed to be weighed down by an unseen

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A Beast Learns To Live - Chapter 21

Socorro smiled wide and slowly made his way over to the cot. valeska took the tray and set it aside. "make it quick. he needs his rest, okay sweetie?" socorro climbed onto the cot and gently hugged vilkas.

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Inhuman | Chapter 7: The First Day TEASER

They both turned away promptly and climbed into their cots while kira went around extinguishing the candles, aki lying on her back with her bushy tail trailing down the side of her cot while sean rolled himself in his blanket.

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Brothers in Arms

The skunk said, getting into his own cot. "you know the drill, we get up at?" he asked. "o' dark and stupid" the squad shot back.

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Drunken sailor

They both slept well that night even in the uncomfortable cots

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City Tails (Chapter 2)

The pile shifted more, letting the blankets spill to the floor, as a short, squat figured emerged from the cot. it quickly grabbed a black hat that was sitting next to the cot and plopped it on its head, obscuring much of its face.

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Chapter 4 - Useful Insight

I was looking at my keeper and the other creature that was standing at the head of my cot looking at each other. was it them talking?

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A Boy and His Kobold, Part 3 by KaninZ

Gerras awoke the next morning and opened clearer eyes to find alerion sitting beside his cot with a damp cloth in his hands.

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Chapter 5: The Corrupt Martyr

Yolei bent down on the cot next to hawkmon and started tearing the net holding him down. "it's ok, he's on our side." she looked up at ken and smiled. ken growled.


Mojave Redemption - Part 13

Inside it was mostly empty save for a couple cots and a small table towards the back upon which sat an oil lamp. jacob was relieved to finally set sarah down on the cot after half-carrying her along since before first light.

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