Lily and Vine Rot's Trouble at the Lake

They all take great offence at this and unsheathe their swords, tossing their crossbows behind them. even the leader pulls hers out, glaring at him harder than any of the men around her, "oh really?

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Darwin's Legacy 7 - A New Life

The second thing she noticed was the cocked crossbow on his lap. she tensed to charge, cursing the extra drag of the water that she had been enjoying just a moment ago. "oh, no you don't." the crossbow came up and centred on her chest.

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Sergal Tails 11

Blaze and midnight had not thought of it as anything less than just a normal day at work, but farline had taken precaution of bringing his crossbow with him.

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Darwin's Legacy 11- Flight and Capture

By the time of the autumn equinox she had built herself a small crossbow that could be disassembled and several metal-tipped bolts for it.

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Ch. 6: Savage Fury

Bart snarled as he heard the news, but a jab of the crossbow in his back reminded him of his position. he just shrugged and sighed, resigning himself to his fate.

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To Dream of Darkness - Ch 04

The men had been armed with crossbows, and wore the same strange tunics and armor as the men that had attacked her home.

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The Search for Ka'Le (14/15)

As the rest of the soldiers looked at each other and then at their leader, king pandez still aiming his crossbow at the entity as he glanced over at alkali.

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2--The Plans

He stepped forward cautiously, his loaded crossbow still in paw. "it makes sense to have something lower." he pulled the door all the way open, revealing another stair case.

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Werewolf Dream Story continue

But before i could take a step i heard derric's fire his crossbow again and to have that bolt embed itself though my right arm and it burned. i looked down at it to it was crossbow bolt tipped with silver. i looked derric in the eyes "oow!"

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 106

At his back, a deranged wolf who wanted to 'become one' with his cousin, and in front, the jittering tip of a crossbow bolt held by the hands of a fox who had never fired a crossbow in his life.

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Tower of Troubles: The Wolf and the Polar Bear

Nocu however opened fire, a crossbow bolt screaming through the air as it exploded with sonic magic. as he watched he saw the purple kobold load another crossbow bolt into the breach of his weapon and fired it again.

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Dragoness' Death

Armed with a powerful crossbow and a bolt laced with a powerful neuro strong enough to kill the dragoness instantly.

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