gardevoir stayed quiet. she lifted sandy from the floor and put her into one of the large red couches. "you can go home if you want to, garde." sandy said with a sigh. "no, i'm staying." gardevoir replied.
How to Train your Trainer
gardevoir spoke up first with a "lets do this," which he gave a simple reply. "yes mistress."
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 55
Working together, gerald and gardevoir carried him up to his room, laying him gently in bed as servine brought in gardevoirs case and chris's branch as well, huffing and puffing as she pulled her way up the sheets and flopped onto his bed. "i..
The Dark Descent Chapter 14
It was a gardevoir, it looked as if it was crying, and drooling. "do you understand me?" she asked the gardevoir, but she got no reply. she was unable to ask if this was what the gardevoir wanted, so she just did what she thought was right.
Chapter Seven: Return
Her gardevoir was also sitting at the table, right across from her. her gardevoir, her oldest and closest friend, had kept his silence about her thoughts, which bothered her a bit. she sighed and stood up. "come on gardevoir, let's go."
Fires of Love
gardevoir smirked at thomas' sudden confusion. "but i'll handle the rest." opting to not give him a chance to respond, gardevoir closed in the last few inches and pressed her lips against his.
Love Lost, Chapter 1a: Concessions.
There were now a few stains caused by gardevoir blood that had transferred to joe's sheets via an innocent ralts. joe fell asleep wondering if that gardevoir got away safely, and if so, if she would come back for her daughter.
Spunk Points
The gardevoir perked up. "um, yes, actually! we got lucky.
Chapter Eleven: "A prison is a prison, no matter how beautiful."
It was gardevoir who then spoke. "you mean you and your trainer..." tamash? nodded in conformation. gardevoir walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Love Lost, Chapter 16a: Declarations.
"no, more like why everyone acts funny when they find out i got a gardevoir as my first pokemon. but, that's something to know, too, i guess." outside, fiona gently touched grace's skirt with her right fin as the gardevoir knelt beside the water.
Alex's Pokemon Travels: One Horny Lizard
The gardevoir looked at alex for a moment, and the two stared in silence for a few seconds. alex then replied "haley... goodnight to you too", and suddenly the gardevoir was gone.
Aura - Intro
You looked shocked at me even mentioning a gardevoir was my lover.