Change of Perspective Page 36

Her body tenses as she sees the glowing optic. her hands shake as she takes aim.

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"not those optics boyo, these." making sure the optics lens could see him the whole time, she lifted the black visor above her eye brows. his face fell, then straightened again as he regained his bearing.

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Bone King

Marty grunted, leaning close to his own optics to try and see the outside world.

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Beast Wars Ravages of Love (original story)

Before he could get another witticism in, rattrap felt himself lifted up by his collarguard to stare directly into the optics of a now-furious cheetor.

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Touchpad Technique

Turning their optical sensors down along their partner's body, they turned the volume of their vocal speakers down a bit further. "may i touch yours?"

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Untitled Story (A Praxely Tale) 7

There was a small sigh, an entirely human emotion for the ai as she appeared in front of him, using optical cameras in the walls and ceilings to project her "body", an image made of light particles that was human sized.

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Change of Perspective Page 13

Starting to feel nothing as a tentacle sprouts from his back with a freshly formed optic. more of azreith's body becomes numb, his mind trying to focus and comprehend all that is happening to him.

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Harbinger, Chapter 4

Magnus opened his optics, blinked several times, and glanced around. his movements became less twitchy as his systems finished rebooting.

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Foxfyre, Part 2 (Magic Dystopia)

He opened the device and pulled out a stack of blank optical mini-discs, preparing to get some hacking done. "i should burn a few more copies of nox pallium," he mumbled to himself. speaking out loud helped him think.

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This is a Fan fiction I wrote for a Marvel text Based RP group.

Tyler would say blocking an optic like blast with his blade causing the blade to sizzle.

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Time of war Chpt 7

Zero said as he lowered his optic. "shade do you have a visual on the contents?" "oh yeah." shade almost said with a chuckle in his voice.

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When the groggy mech had on-lined his optics, he found to his horror, that he was cuffed in the middle of the room; while soundwave stood in front of him as he tapped wicked looking crop against his palm.

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