Doodle Story: Is It Worth It?
Just then, klepto was assaulted by another cloud of swamp gas. ...only, the gas hadn't come from the swamp. now everything was beginning to make sense. the stench he smelled earlier wasn't swamp gas at all. it was flatulence, courtesy of darwin.
Draconic Discoveries
Much later, veyran reached the edge of "his" swamp.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Thirty Five
The shell was still a little soft, and the swamp crab crunched up between his teeth, filling his mouth with the taste of its succulent sweetness. the hatchling gave a happy sigh, hoping wherever their new home was, they'd have swamp crab there.
Forgotten Gods Part 1: Dragon, falcon, mouse
The high temple stood open to the skies, the marble unsullied by swamp water, dazzling in the weak sunlight despite the swamp vines that wound over the steps and pillars, as if attempting to imitate the strange carvings and inscriptions that.
Vicki the Sorceress and the Swamp Men of Mictlan Chapter 2
She rode carefully; the dark wood was slick and swift to rot away in the humid swamp, and she didn't want one misstep to end up crippling gerand.
One Dirty Gator
One day, a pokemon trainer decided to move into a cabin by the swamp. he was constantly noisy; as he was always training by the swamp.
The Farmer
Except this time, the swamp had come to claim its victims rather than waiting for them to come in.
Captive in the City
He never did figure out how he was captured, at one moment he was stalking through the swamps, hunting for food.
Tom and Joey (skunkette/skunk vore)
It's not so safe for the people suzy meets, but reformation is common in the swamp. **tom and joey** by strega in an isolated corner of the swamp, far from the lagoon and its many occupants, two skunks sat together beneath a tree.
#6 of transformations under the midday heat the vegetation drooped in the swamp as it spread low and wide across the valley. in spite of the day's heat, the swamp's heart clung to a cooler atmosphere sheltered in the shade.
Gator Nights
Us swamp men git such a bad rap these days.
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 11 - Kautious Klubba
With his curiosity satisfied for now, the raptor went with his kremling friend towards the bow of the swamp galleon, whilst klubba stood guard.