your face here

I went to furs homes and tested there chairs, telling them how it felt and if it was a good or bad buy. the money was great $50 for each chair and if you're testing 60 plus chairs well you can do the maths.

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 02

The medical chair bumped against the chairs for the pilot and comms stations. alex slapped the three knives on the board and pushed himself up. he dragged his encased leg to the comm board, dropping into the chair, panting hard.

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Master's Wish

Of the now sticky chair with a wet smack.

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(Preview) Her Professor's Contagious Secret

Moaning a bit too loud and writhing in her chair, her face twists in orgasm. amanda's head shoots toward her just before she rolls her chair away from missy. "missy! what the f was that?"

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Only the beginning

Oh this chair feels so comfortable; it reminds me of the chair i used to have back in university. i have had that chair a lot longer mind you; i can still remember getting it as if it was yesterday.

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Two Orcs and a Dildo

Another orc, older and more muscular, who had been watching his lover from the other side of the room came over, bringing another chair with him and placed it face to face with the other chair.

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Chapter 14: A Recording to Remember

A camera on the chair across from the easy chair, he cued up a video on the screen and then put it in standby so she wouldn't see the start of the video.

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A Thorough Debriefing

You went so hard on me, i'm surprised the chair didn't break!" "well, it is a surprisingly nice chair," allison remarked, before splitting off from the hug and heading towards the door to the inner corridor. "anyway, now i really do need to sleep.

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Special Corrections

The doctor returns to her chair and pushes a button on the side of the chair. the chair legs move on a pivot, spreading open and the doctor slides in between your legs. one of her hands gently holds your member.

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A Customer's Grievance

The two girl fell out of his chair onto the floor. "i... i can't believe what i'm seeing. tell me i'm not seeing this. get up." the two scrambled to their feet. "sit." he pointed at the chairs in front of the desk. they moved to the chairs and sat.

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Worm Thing 1

He knocked the chair over as he left, leaving the pair on their own. ... adrian waited twenty minutes in the chair. his penis began to dip down and with it, he found himself beginning to relax.

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The Only Way This Ends

And the only thing worse than a day in the teasing chair was a whole second day, should master decide he hadn't been punished thoroughly enough. as for the chair itself, it was pure evil.

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