Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 22
#13 of uninvited tournament with that mysterious rain continuing to fall around them what other kind of trouble could it cause between so many fighters on the island?
Float Like a Fighter, Sting Like a Tank
After several dozen "shunk-shunk-shunk-shunk" sounds, the plate was firmly bolted to the underside of the damaged fighter.
Border Worlds Tales Two: Fighter down
Elaine's fighter. elaine howled as her wingman destroyed a fighter, but a missile in the fighter launched from the destroyed fighter.
The Sorcerer And The Fighter: Ch.2 The City of Magi
_Note: Characters are copyrighted to their respective owners, MoonSilver to Champagne, 2008; Dominic to Dante, year unknown. This is an ongoing role-play that I do with my friend, so look for more chapters to come. My thanks go out to my editor,...
World of Chaos: Chapter 8
_Skempta_ Rekkdyr was not up to this fight. I doubted whether I'd be able to take on the two newcomers myself. I circled around to my gnoll comrades weak side, the wounded forearm dripping with fresh blood. I caught a feral, almost wild look from...
Spears In Space! (Part 1)
Sanita's ship limped as the fighter that had crippled it spun to finish her off.
Turning the Tide
"we have the fighters."
The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Got to save the Earth
He shook his head as three strange looking fighters hovered to the ground. ladders are wheeled up to the alien fighters and the figures wearing a light blue exited the fighters.
The Voyage chapter 4
"all fighters get ready for action. a flight of rebels is heading for us. lt. william, form on me." william moved his controls and moved close to shan's fighter. he saw the rebel fighters swarm to his squadron. joan's' fighter.
Furry encounters: Part two
The fox said running a hand under the nose of the fighter. jake nodded looking at the fighter as techs unchained the fighter. he watched as rudi walked to the front of the fighter waving his arms to the craft in a type of code.
Jinxed Flight
The human looked around from the cockpit of his fighter for a certain black fighter. he relaxed and looked at the other fighters flying near him. "i am no longer flying that slow propeller driven fighter clifford.
Lost at a strange world chapter 2
Kris stood next to regina and kelly waiting for the fighters to return. they saw that the damaged fighters were allowed to land first. the young guy saw two fighters landed and they went to a taxi way area. "there's keith's' fighter."