Tension 2: Death's Reign of Terror

It was covered with graffiti but the grim reaper himself looked monstrous and was holding a sign. all ye who enter, beware the fate of time if it is your time then i will strike.


Dawn of Chaos Pt 3

Things finally came to a head after the high priest woke after a particularly derogatory speech about the non-human races and found that his chambers had been looted and graffiti carved into the walls.

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Strange mines

A curious thing about this province is that the humans in this province seem to like the cultural practice of drawing graffiti. so they started doing it in their underground town.

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While I Was Sleeping - Coevolution Interlude 02

Ez had only seen him this upset once before, when the house had been graffitied. marcus, her brother at the time, had told her someone had spray-painted a bad word on the front of the house. espen and renée hadn't been allowed outside to see it.

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Como mola el Brachiosaurio (In spanish)

Estaba empapada con su propio semen y la restregó por toda la espalda del lagartijo verde dejando un graffiti de color blanco. se puso de pie y se alejo con el otro raptor (el rojizo) hasta salir del vestuario.

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The Figure

The rainstorm of yesterday left a long line of deepened puddles along the middle, trash and graffiti lines the sides of it. no sign remains of what occurred, no hint at foul play. on either side of the alley,  day-to-day life continues.

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Lair of the Demon

Inzwischen aber verzieren mehr graffiti die wände und von dem weiß ist auch nicht mehr viel zu sehen. irgendwer hat sogar eine nackte frau an die wand gesprüht mit einigen sehr auffälligen details.

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Under the Overpass and Through the Alleyways

Low and behold, inside the graffiti-laden dumpster bin that jake described to me, i found the backpack. it wasn't as heavy as i expected, but i dared not to question what was inside.

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The Loner, Chapter 1

The poster stood above and behind him, the only thing decorating the walls aside from the occasional tag of paint and graffiti. the cool air fogged the fox's breath, and he suppressed a shiver. he regretted not bringing a heavier jacket.

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Steven And Amethyst: A Summer Of Lessons

Cried barba sexily as her father penetrated her decaying womb, full of graffiti and confections. batman in turn watched them sadly, thinking of the joker.

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Against All Odds: Part 23 - Captive

To the right of the construction, he couldn't help but notice a familiar, clawed red fist adorning a large, scattered pile of flyers; the same red fist he'd seen graffitied on the wall of the supermarket he'd visited with alexei.

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Porcelain God

Dirty, grimy, poorly lit, covered in graffiti and with a gloryhole on each of the stall walls.

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