Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 6 - Back Home

So, sorry I'm a bit late. Well to clear something guys. As I said soon enough there will be a super interesting twist in this series, but I've still got to work out some plot before that. So jsut wait a bit, I know its not that interesting to...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 9 - Two Friends

Okay, this is my last "short" part of this series (that means the next ones will be looong). And its also the shortest. Well the reason is because the plot is progressing quickly in my brain so I've got to write everything won well its all...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 10 - A New Adventure!!

I'm sorry for not keeping my promise, this isn't such a long one but I'm so sick I just can't seem to stop sleeping. The next part I hope, will be longer. I mean I again left two days out and I could've made a long one but it would take longer...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 11 - Bad Luck

Blahalkgalfkla.........checkin the keyboard....ok so I had a cool break, was boardin with my friends, nearly drove of a cliff with my poor skills, held onto the snow and was like "Damn, God loves me..." Then every time I came back...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 12 - Where, am I?

Ok...I kicked myself and forced to type up this part. Its getting weird but it'll be cool soon...Em I'm really busy lately and I really thought I could've use this week to type some stories but looks like it'll have to wait. But because i love...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 13 - Unexpected Situations

Well, I'm gradually getting to the point of a new introduction of some chars. Mehh I'm getting a little sloppy, but I guess that was because I held on to that last piece for such a long time or something. I hope the next part is...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 14 - Team 109

There!! I guess you never saw this one coming ^^ release two part in one day. well writing about Kyurex gives me a good feeling at the moment ^^ and I like it how this piece came out. Because the next piece will rock!! ^^ Nah just...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 15 - Battle Test

And again I'm posting...but this time this stuff got proof read, by Mister-ViciousReader - so for the smooth read you can thank him cause when I wrote this part I had Mill. of mistakes, yeah, and if there are still some mistakes, who cares ^^...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 16 - Together Again

Well Im posting again...this time it wasn't proof read because I'm such a selfish bum and VicousReader is a little busy at the moment. But I'm sure he'll be back at some time. :P So wipe your tears people, I'm not that bad at writing am...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 17 - Me, Myself and I

So...Im postin yet again. Chapter 17? Yeep...get a peek into Kyurexs twisted mind y'all. :P Man....I'm really happy how this chapter came out, even though I sense some mistakes and stuff. Enjoy...and I guess you^ll get confused but...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 18 - A trip down Memory Lane

This isn't the promised chapter 18 ^^ that one is now 19. Its nearly finished, and its much longer than this one and I thought it would be cool to write something unusual again. The promised chapter is nearly finished, I swear ^^ so don't get mad....

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 20 - A trip down Memory Lane - A Special Bond

Ayo!! So, I already explained the most in chapter 19...but This chapter is special. Why? Because I'm somehow proud of it. I love the emotions play ^^ so this is going back to the roots, like it started with all the love thing, this chapter is a lot...

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