Tales of Alterra: chapter 1
It's thanks to her that i knew the world beyond my shell before i even hatched, as magic doesn't have the same concept of time, if time even exists in the ether. the day i hatched was a fun day.
Final Chance 1
Before we continue our tour you and i will grab something to eat from the hatch that has no one standing in front of it, that hatch is for staff only."
Slayer or Layer 16
They had to be; they took nothing from him when they were born, considering they still hatched from eggs. but... lorkos gritted his teeth as the curiosity came back, filling him with questions. what happened when they hatched?
Corwin Hall, Chapter 22
He ran toward the ferret, shoving away an emt who was hurrying over to the hatch. "you!" the ferret turned as todd raised a clenched fist, his eyes wide.
Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2
There were a few other eggs that hadn't hatched. each of them was a dull gray colored. the remains of kickaha's eggs being a more vibrant rusty orange clearly stood out compared to them.
Cabin Boy: Humiliation
What he wasn't expecting was the cat to swing his legs out over the grill and stick his legs through the bars of the closed hatch.
I've Got Your Tail
"mm ... " and she lowered the unconscious human down the hatch. and jumped in after. welly the last one down (just as he'd been the last one in). hatch shut. "go!" aria yipped, tending to the human.
Chapter 2: Trial of Fate, Devotion and Desire
In each lay an un-hatched dragon, dormant, even now awaiting the day it would emerge. to these saphira would serve as surrogate dam, tending a nest fashioned by her until the day they hatched.
The new dinosaur (part 7)
Nearly a month has passed, me, gena, the geneticist and four guests are watching the grey-green eggs, because they will hatch within the hour they will hatch.
Chapter 3: Baby-sitting
I knew what should be done, but it was impossible, since i am a male, i couldn't just go and sit on top of that egg until it hatched.
Dead in Space
"dervey and alpha squad will insert at the aft starboard hatch, here," one of the surface hatches lit up on the schematic being projected before dak's eyes.
A Companion for Life (Part 6 / Final)
"you are very lucky to have hatched two of these creatures." "well actually i only hatched jet." sam said. "snow was given to me." daisuke looked at sam curiously. "you did not hatch her?" sam shook his head.