Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 17 - The City of Dis
From there they began halo ruling it as they ruled heaven and hell. the hunters originated about this time as well. as religions were beginning to pop up across the world, they clashed.
Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 12 - Judgement
He explained that this was only the river between the underworld and hell. at the end of the river sits the citadel of limbo the first circle of hell. beyond lay the circles of lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud, and treachery.
Clipped Winged Crow
This is kind of a "FanFic/Poem" for a certain show that I adore, Kuroshitsuji. And kinda not since it doesn't directly reference the characters or theme and its sort of a crack fiction if you understand what I'm referencing. I reference this show...
Furry Hell Kapitel : 1 Aufwachen !
#1 of furry hell kira wacht im krankenhauszimmer auf und weiß nicht passiert ist... und das will er herausfinden.
Executive decisions 1
Delivered to hell and all its torments.
Dancing With Fire - Chapter 8
In fact, it is my belief that his highness is overlooking just how valuable your company is to him, me, and hell as a whole." blitzø's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, both at the proposal and harper's declaration of i.m.p.'s value to hell. "r-really?
Dancing With Fire - Chapter 4
"can you name any other firm in hell that offers a service like theirs? this is an exclusive find, and one that will be a boon to hellfire industries.
Chapter IV: The Silver Birds
**Fourth Chapter** **The Silver Birds** \* Still an hour later, the good people of Ruskebó knew as little regarding what just had commenced before their eyes. The local council had assembled near the improvised amphitheatre at the northern end of...
The Gates of Hell, Chapter 8, Marrie, Part 1
And no one noticed the small temporary rift that opened between the worlds of earth and hell either, or the large insect that flew through with a faint buzz of wings.
And either the person who made the entries had one hell of an imagination and/or was totally nuts, or they really had summoned demons!
WDT Hell
More specifically to give everyone an idea of where and what exactly this story is, is it takes place in hell.
A realization, a Reunion And Fate.
Her papa's gunna roast you slowly on a spit over hell fire..." savage sighed resting his head on mine, "so... i can't screw anyone else and neither can she, but i'm going to die?"