This Lion is no king...
The sexy lioness moaned, paying less and less attention to her husband as dunlup sped up his rough deep rutting.
Lion Queens
A story about the lion king and love. i got bored so i wrote a little goofy something about the lion king. hope some of you get a kick out of it... the lion queens a storm rages on outside scar's cave. he's younger and frightened...
Lion Around
There we go..." she growled, hands loosening their hold and running slowly over the lioness' sides. "you're pretty good, you know. whatever big dumb lion wouldn't fuck you is missing out."
The Lion's Share
Every inch of his cock had disappeared inside of her, and for finally showing a little backbone, nala had already decided that she was going to work the smaller lion until his hips were turned to dust.
The Dick Lion
Myu side stepped in front of the lion, but only for the lion to side step right with her and continued to block her way. "you don't get it, little girl." the lion reached one of his large hands into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. "japan?
Lion's Embrace
"of course you are, but who says that i can't have my lion and a good chair?" "am i you're lion now?" he asks with a smile. "maybe, if i can be your fluffy bunny." "we'll see," he winks.
A Lion's Midterm
Druff grabbed onto the lion's arms when he conducted the initial advance into the lion's body.
Human lion
The female lookt over at daniel and said: i just thankt him for saving us and not for sending any of you lions at us.
He snorted, and turned his attention to the lion, a befuddled look on his face. to all, it looked as if someone were tugging on his balls, like there were a string attached between the lion's flexing, half-hard cock and the deer's orbs.
Lion Lore
#6 of dumb stuff i wrote on the fly inspired by the lion, captain furry. the inflato-lion. okay, now, there's this pride of lions in the safari, and the patriarch is revving up to box the challenger in a few days.
Lion's Din
He was king of his own life, like a lion should be. standing from his cubicle, caleb yawned and scratched his stomach. he clocked out on the way out and the lion was gone.
Night of the Lion
Then, suddenly all of his hair grew long and spiky looking, like a lion's mane. his skin then turn a orange type color with a few scars on his chest and arms. as the blonde is in his trancelike state, his height grew into that of an adult.