Breath Play
A short story about a dalmation having some breath play fun. this is really just testing the waters, since i've never written porn before, let alone porn of the furry variety.
Playing With Fire
This was his hobby, his playing field, and he couldn't have her beat him. david knew there was only one thing he could do and unfortunately he would be playing with fire.
Playing with Blackwargreymon
Things were normal for the digital world,nothing really bad happening,and Wargreymon was flying around cause he had nothing to do. (sigh)"God i'm bored,what am i gonna do today?" Wargreymon was looking down and he saw a black figure.he...
Playing Games
"alright, we can play halo, or i have some sports games" i suggested. "or, we can play some different games" "what do you mean?" i couldn't hide the curiosity in my voice. "well..." kyle's voice trailed off, and he sat down on my bed.
Horse Play
Rick released a playful nicker as he slowly extended both of his hands to trevor's chest, grunting as he slowly slid his fingers along the hard, sweaty pecs of the smaller equine.
Playing the part
.^; * * * it was the day of the auditions for the first school play of the year at valley high, and chatter and speculation was abound. who would play this part? how would the play go? who would be the next person to bomb or pass out on-stage?
Paddock Play
Which was exactly the way that the boss mare of the relationship (however it played out) wanted things to be.
River Play
"i saw you watching me," he chirped, though his natural playfulness came through as he made as if to rub up against her. "and you're so lovely all splayed out like this..."
Puppies Play
We're programed to play and be played with. don't you want to play, puppy?" "it isn't... i'm not..." the husky whimpered as he heard the other dog's words. it made his heart sink to hear that, was that really what he was?
Foot Play
_oh..._ his toes brushed hers, playing across the toes of her left foot and then back over to the right.
Playing “Master”
We enjoyed the games that we could play, one of them being a virtual table hockey table. i played against chloe for three rounds and she won the tying round just barely. whether i let her win or not, that's for me to know and you all to decide it.
Playing in Public
"i didn't think you liked to play it risky." "i'm in the mood for some fun...some risky fun..." noah said with a breathy hitch in his speech. "ask and you shall receive..." it was decided among them that they would start off simple.