Moonlight Dancer

Sophia couldn't sleep. The humidity was just too much. Throwing back the sheets, she swung her legs out of bed and stood up. Her flowing nightgown slipped over her fur, down to her ankles. Softly padding across the room she pulled back her curtains to...

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Moony's Midnight Metamorphosis

### WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!! This story, Salomare Tygarras, and the Lycaon School is ©SynjoDeonecros. Remus Lupin and all other related Harry Potter characters are ©J.K. Rowling. Do not edit or redistribute this story in any way without my...

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Lee and Mina (Episode 2)

Lee and Mina (Episode 2): Lee's First Time and Mina's Confession In the months that have passed since Lee and Mina reconciled their relationship, the two sisters grew close together once least when they were at home. At school, each of...

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LEANING; a short story

"Leaning" by Daniel C. Aaron Copyright 2018 by Daniel C. Aaron A rough start to the morning; too early for all this, thought the fox ruefully, his head throbbing from an unaccountable headache. A heavy knock at the door. "Yeah yeah, I'm...

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Skunked Part 2

I get up and shower and go to the office. Usual busy day like most Tuesdays. The rest of the week goes like that. I'm thinking about Mark's Dad a lot. The nights are a bit lonely. Thursday night is different in that Dmitri and Grigori come by to see...

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Dinosauria- Chapter 8- Team Training

"This place seems as good as any." Armaseth said, stretching his body after the hike it took to get to this secluded lake. All the staff members were at the mansion cleaning up while the team had gone with Armaseth. "Woo!" Ruby exclaimed as he sat on...

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Praising His And Milking Hers

"They look _especially_ full today, you know." "No one to blame but yourself for that..." "Hmm. And here I thought you might be doing it on purpose?" In a world where danger was found around every turn, and even the most beautiful flora of...

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In the Garden with Hickory

Hickory hummed to himself while tending to the plants growing in the community garden. He was fairly new to the city and had taken notice of the public area dedicated to growing various flowers and vegetables. It was always quiet there and reminded him...

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The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 2

Flamedramon walked past the rolling garage doors, leaving them to be opened when Digitamamon was ready. Instead, Flamedramon exited out a side door, letting it shut behind him. Peeking around the corner, he spotted an adorable Goblimon with a postal...

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Maybe karla would be up for some hot, sweaty outdoors sex in the secluded spot he'd found; but if not, the sight of her breasts straining against her white blouse, translucent from her sweat, would fuel future fantasies.

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The Natural Attraction Between Siblings

For the common druid, sitting among all of the glory of nature and observing the flora and fauna was a normal part of every day life. For a druid as skilled as Marama, it was a wonderful and harmonious experience to sit among the vast greenery and...

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Counseled at Camp

Chester was never ready for the summer to draw to a close, but that year, there was a week of relief to be had at the very end of it, rather than the three months he was used to finding in the middle. The greater regret, however, was the fact that he...

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