Vapor Trails
And now these mysterious inventions which seemed profane enough to kill the birds if they got too close yet divine enough to inspire shock and mystery at their sight were leaving behind white signatures on the big blue sky in the form of line-shaped clouds
Shadow of the Clouds Prologue
"how dare he profane my name?!" the khajiit stumbled forward on his bound footpaws as the executioner readied his ax.
Mercy 3: Once In an Age
She was a work of art turned into the greatest profanity, and he hated her presence. _gods, why did the thief make her look like that?
A Year to Remember (part 2)
#3 of a year to remember today you get to see why joel is so gloomy dark twisted and mean. also this is for 18 and over there's profanity, self-harm, death, injury, and mental instability. his mom seems nice do you think she was nice. it also feels like this
Peach's Betrayal Chapter 1 (Rough, Unfinished)
Mario shouts and tries to pull himself free, muttering various profanities in italian at the dragon. bowser chuckles at mario's vain attempts and pets along the back of his princess's hair. "sorry, mario.
The room was spinning, all around he could see faces, hear voices that muttered countless profanities. "you can't tell? she's right over there.. your dear girl is over in the corner. you don't remember do you?"
The Breath of the Sphynx
The profane idols that were carved for strange gods were birthed in the imaginations of mortals- they could not truly convey the formless things that peeped through them and into the world.
The Veracity of His Word
Now quit spouting profanities."she shut most of the way up. i was glad she was smart enough to know when to zip it. arguing with stupid people is like playing chess with a forsaken.
The Wolf at the Door
The music box flipped open and started playing its profane whimsical chime. [recommended music - the lost lineage - goëtia - peter grundry] when the old woman opened her eyes, everything was fuzzy.
Chapter 71 - The Child is Gone
Malon wanted nothing more than to extricate herself from those urgent hands, to run away from these profane women. this 'gift' sounded more like a fate worse than death. she wanted no part in that.
Beyond the Stars - Chapter Six
He screamed out angrily, which was followed up by a slew of profanity that he flung out into the room. sampson waited until the wolf finally quieted down before speaking. "when you are ready to talk, i'll be waiting" he stated.
Typheks Origins
The norse and the romans believed typhek was a neutral god and unaffected by the ideal squabbles of civilization or human profanity. from these popular and ancient cultures of society came the name 'typhek'.