Veracia Chronicles: Darkest of Stars Ch.1
"we need every edge with can get while stripping those damned psychics of any advantage they have over us." orlic explained readying his weapon, "rakk, kill shots. drop any troopers that come down those corridors!" "sir!"
Gastly Fate
He released the rock type from his psychic hold - "onix, return!" the blast of light came just as he'd known it would, the psychic type rolling his eyes at the desperation of the trainer.
Illusory Pleasure
In it, anne found neither a primary nor secondary psychic type, not even one that would know even a single psychic move.
A Hypnotist's Lay-Day
That psychic-type's shaft was gripped tightly around as hahn hilted himself inside.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Saffron City
Sabrina didn't let up though, "now psychic!" before butterfree could even regain his footing, he was struck by a powerful psychic, which weakened him severely. "return butterfree!"
Leap of Faith (Original)
As was standard procedure, psychics sat on the left and non-psychics sat on the right. also, as was common, the right side was nearly full and at this point of time, he was one of three on the left.
Golden Boy (Part 7)
He also wondered what kind of psychic abilities he inherited from his transformation.
The last Jarashkhan
The jarashkhan psychically heard him and answered it before he said it.
More Than the Sum of My Parts
I'm an official pokemon trainer and registered psychic." great, he's a psychic. a sponsored psychic. i don't know whether it's a mutation or evolution, but some humans had recently been born with or developed unusual psychic powers.
Hypno's Hypnosis Reign Part 3
Especially in the presence of a psychic type who can still levitate objects, no matter how weak his psychic powers were?" hypno smirked at him as he used psychic to break the collar he was wearing apart. "you can't possibly have known..."
Mewtwo Makes a Master Part 5
The psychic seemed to understand at least part of that. he didn't know if it came from their near-melding, or if it was something that mewtwo was just reading from his inferences, but it got a different sort of smile from the god-tier psychic.
Humiliation Stream Story 4: Controlling the Field
The psychic grumbled in his head, quickly glancing over to one of the other platforms.