Off the coast of Japan, 1905 Admiral Migi stood on the deck of the battleship Hachikiro, the old serval's eyes scanning the horizon. He waited, surrounded by his officers, who looked with worried faces. But Migi stood watching with a face of steel as...
POV non-vore - you and the "Clever Boy"
You've seen plenty of sea lions. just never one with a set of human feet sticking out of its mouth. you stop and stare. a pale-skinned set of feet hang down on either side of the sea lion's lower jaw.
Black Haven Bay
Beyond that, a ship generally had a kind of odor to it from the sea and men aboard. some of them only washed in port, others used the sea water since there was plenty of it when there was also soap to use.
POV vore - you at the friendly beach
That sea lion didn't hunt the man down. you're sure now that the couple went to the sea lion so the man could get himself swallowed. he knew what he wanted and got it. the woman got to see him swallowed, which turned her on enough to fuck the sea lion.
Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Hugo
Winters are spent at the depths of the ocean, hibernating to restore a functional level of air, although a bit of scuffle occurs over territory.
Sunken Treasure
The "fate of those who died at sea" was pretty clear, regardless. never to have the pearly gates of heaven open for them nor the chasm of hell swallow them, they were instead trapped in the depths of the ocean along with the bones of their ship.
Stream of love
An ocean of devotion flows deep as the sea. an autumn love - deep as the love for both you and me...._ * * *
Shades of Gray
Whisper to me , let it fill the sea. i love you voice. you. hurry back to me, aimee. i need you. i love you.
Across the Deep Blue, My Love Waits for You (Poem)
Looking across the sea, looking up the stars i see someone special looking back down at me...
Tears For the Sea - Chapter One -
, for this five-foot ten sea otter, he'd made himself just as much a part of the land - as the sea.
POEM: Bellkur Galathiniel
Ein Geschenk für Bellkur. Von _Noiratblack_ Geschrieben im Flugzeug, über einem Meer aus weißen Wolken, die im Abend blutrot wurden, und einer Sonate von Chopin in den Ohren. Schwarze Federn kleiden das Gesicht, ein Schleier, er ist tief...
Ocean Soul
I stay like that for a while, tired like the ocean. with the ocean eventually, i stop needing to pretend.