Teenage love (true story) chapter 1
We start johnson's story in high-school, just mucking around with his other freinds in the back of his classroom throwing things and just genuinely being a pain for the teacher. With his bad luck, him out of all the others manages to hit the teacher...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Bunny Hop
#5 of teenage mutant ninja turtles - more than brothers * * * teenage mutant ninja turtles - more than brothers series these stories are based on a mixture of the tmnt comic universe and the new tmnt 2003 cartoon series universe.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Nexus Nightlife
#4 of teenage mutant ninja turtles - more than brothers * * * teenage mutant ninja turtles - more than brothers series these stories are based on a mixture of the tmnt comic universe and the new tmnt 2003 cartoon series universe.
My Teenage Studs Ch 1 (Complete)
#2 of my teenage studs this is the complete version of my gay mlp series. please enjoy and leave comments.
My Teenage Studs Ch 1 (Incomplete)
#1 of my teenage studs sorry guys, didn't realize i posted the wrong story. here is the correct, incomplete version of my own my little pony series... my teenage studs.
DEADPOOL: Negasonic Teenage Wyrven (Dragon TF)
" * * * # "negasonic teenage wyrven" 2016 nequ this is a fanfic. i don't own deadpool , any characters in the film, dragons, or morena baccarin, more's the pity. * * * **confession time** : i don't find negasonic teenage warhead sexy.
The Adventures of a Blind Tigress, Chapter 5: Close Calls
Dannica felt the sure and firm grip of her tutor's hand over hers as she grasped the long, thin metal cane in her hand. She also felt the heat rising in her head as sure as the ache in her shins as she stood upright once again. "I want you to listen...
Inferno High - Chapter 19
I awoke with a start. There was a loud trembling sound that seemed to shake the whole room and then it suddenly ended. Everyone was wide awake, and I barely saw Alex's tail frizzed up by the loud sound. "What the hell was that?" [Ted] "I don't...
Vagabond - Chapter 4
\*That Friday\* Marko got in the car, "Dude, this week sucked." "You said it." "I mean, first we have to play gay chicken, then my homosexuality is exposed-" "Then we had that fight, and you got suspended for beating the shit out of Titus-" "Oh...
Chapter 3: The Shemale In Her
Chapter 3: The Shemale In Her Wynn entered the gloom of Kilyan's hut and immediately smelled that everyone was there: her father, Lea and Ohana, her bratty little brother LiAnh, and - oh, god . . . - Inden. They were all seated around...
The Blanket — 4
He held her, kissed her, did teenage things to her like whisper warm nonsense. she replied with her own, husky, penetrating version of 'shut up' that ed felt he should listen to, lest he embarrass himself.
Leon's New School - Day 1
First day of a new school. There was always something foreboding about these days, a slow looming feeling that creeps up on you, and when it finally gets to you, it never does anything. These thoughts ran through the head of Leon as he...