Cruel and Unusual
You will receive the treatment once a week, at least, while you remain here. how severe the treatment is, and how long it lasts, depends on how cooperative you are and how well you behave in your daily routine here at the institute."
Pregnant Malpractice
As it happens, he offers a lot of treatments for pregnant women too, to make the experience most pleasurable and fun for them... anonymously commissioned. it'd been a while since oshu and sawa had gotten their "heat treatment" at dr.
If You Make a Wolf a Slave Part 5: He Will Want an Explanation
"you did this treatment as a test for your slaves? and you still continue it even after so many slaves left you? why not just explain to them the dangers of some masters and tell them about archie?
The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Specimen 224
Scheduled for second treatment in one week unless different instructions received".
Open Content Stream Story: The Road To Happiness
He panted, hooked up to several drip bags as he received his most recent treatment, lazily looking over to his friend. brock had gotten it a bit easier than him, though not much.
What Ails the Mind - Part 1
Her real treatment will begin soon..._
An Impossible Sentence 4
Horus couldn't just keep taking things as they came; general victorious and shock treatment had already scrambled his brain, making it hard for him to think straight.
Oral Fixation
Doctor lucien said, "i can offer you the standard treatment plan of fifteen sessions.
A Second Chance in Life - 5
"i'll just have to take a look at your rear to see how the treatment is proceeding back there as well." flynn's ears flicked back and forth.
Many Hands Make Light Work
"but don't worry, you'll still get the full hour of treatment. am i right in thinking this is your first _four-hand_ massage?"
[TEASER] What Ails the Mind
In a jolt of reflexive action, her arm not only tapped the side of the chair, it practically slammed into it, twice, to convey to stop the treatment. dr.
Weapon – Growing
What this treatment is not considered is a success, the side effect of it," i gestured to my face, "in no way compensates for the improvements, and we are not planning to continue the treatment at all in the future."