Chapter 2: A New Day
vince murred, "i'm always ready for you, darling..."
Misstress Blob
vince do something!
What It's Like
vince decided that enough was enough, and drew her from the crowd to the bar. vince ordered some water for the both of them, with emma sitting very quietly on a stool.
Family Matters. Chapter Four.
vince said and the beaver laughed at the joke making vince chuckle along, nervously not about to go further into the details. his family had been insisting on more...meat options for the wedding which vince was sure to be an issue later on.
The Right Way to Rave
Perking his ears to vince's words, byron would grin.- "it'll never get old, vince..."
Big Bad Wolf vs. Bigger Badder Wolf
vince almost blanked out as he ran out of oxygen from his voice, he fell limp ontop of his enemy. he grinned grabbing vince by the tail he spun him around over his head, then vince was flung up into the air.
18th December
vince and miles went to the male changing room while the girls went with sarah and stacy to the female changing room. vince noticed miles scanning his naked body after vince got his clothes off.
2nd December
vince was pulled to their room, a big room with three beds. the girls seemed to be very excited and vince suspected that they were not having guests regularly. they showed him his bed and talked all the time. vince could not follow all of their chatter.
14th December
vince saw cum dripping down from her snatch onto her legs. "are you coming vince?" she asked as if it was natural and she was just inviting him to breakfast. vince took her paw and mia dragged him along into the bath room.
Intertwined - Chapter 5
"get the fuck back up, vince. we're not done here." vince pulled his head up and looked over to his left. his heart sank.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy 1
But right now we must keep vince safe from us." sister wich saw vince cringe in extreme pain.
Sunshine Days - Chapter 36
Faces lit up brightly and hopefully, all eyes on vince as they waited for him to make the decision. vince grinned. "it's on.