Welcomed to the Pridelands
On this particular tour coming through, there was a little boy who was traveling through, on a sort of field trip away from america. his parents knew how much he loved the african wildlife, especially lions.
A Haunting Chap 2
Haunting a professor of paranormal studies, takes his senior class on an end of the year field trip. spending the night in a haunted mansion, which belonged to a psycho cutter.
The Convention
A hoard of children on a field trip give high fives to a giant bipedal moose as they pass each other in the crosswalk. many people, especially kids, ask to have their photos taken with the fursuiters. there's no transformation panel on the schedule.
Welcomed to the Pridelands
On this particular tour coming through, there was a little boy who was traveling through, on a sort of field trip away from america. his parents knew how much he loved the african wildlife, especially lions.
Make a wish... (Contest piece)
The bus driver nodded and started the journey, the old yellow beast rumbling into the highway, belly full of restless students on the usual high that accompanied breaking their class routine for a field trip.
The Demon's Amulet
As the rest of the students climbed onto the bus their professor walked back into the bus, "i hope you all enjoyed this field trip students."
Sound and Silence: Extras 8
"yeah, company sponsored field trip-ceo made a big thing about it being good for morale. management really wants our team to participate." clair cocked his head in bewilderment. "...huh...
Spirit Bound: Table of Contents
trips](https://www.sofurry.com/view/645310) [124- rumbles in the dark](https://www.sofurry.com/view/649877) [125- appreciating the finer things](https://www.sofurry.com/view/662392) [126- micah's big mouth](https://www.sofurry.com/view/675316) [127- '
My Life at Cal Academy Chapter 5
"well, we met at a school field trip in elementary school and we've been friends ever since." "thank you for always taking care of eric. i really appreciate it." jack made me blush.
Demon willing to kill
At the time all the other students from 6 and below including desmond he was in 5th grade at the time and with the other students on a picnicking field trip to mirelurk city's beach, surprisingly the beaches was named after a man who drowned out to sea when
Part 4a - A Bull in a Milk Shop
Ben, on the other hand, could remember seeing them at farms a few years before on a school field-trip.
A Normal Kid: The Start
Unfortunately, since this was a day where almost half the school was out on a field trip, only two busses were able to come in and since he didn't want to be squished on a bus, he walked home.