Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 6

It was served by a multi-limbed robot. i almost shot the thing when i saw it. of course, i'd seen robots before in the wasteland.

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 33 - Assassin

His blade whirled about wildly searching for the inevitable break in her defenses reminding her of her fight with the multi-limbed servants of olivia and the power contained in the strength and sharpness of the maker made blades she had stolen for her

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 24 - Son of Cohila

His multi-limb body was robust and dangerous and his thicker, more insectoid head was capped with two new antennas that forced his hat off his head as they grew in, but the last changes came from his swelling, growing, and bloating abdomen.

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Of Mice and Mutagens

And before sasha could even start getting used to her new life as a multi-limbed giant, the lumps underneath her chest finally set and began to stretch her elongated abdomen, forming into three rows of two inflating mounds each.

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The Silver City Chronicles volume 2

The multi-limbed human doctor was consulting a data pad, "thankfully vakari have lung capacity about 15% larger then any other species their size, so it's balanced the damage till we can do a more extensive repair regimen."

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