Asharan: Jake and Ben ch8
The three sat there talking especially chloe and ben. ben wanted to know more about their world and chloe just wanted to hear about ben's world. after ben told chloe about where he came from it was her turn to talk.
Enjoying the Festivities
. :3 **enjoying the festivities** the first day of the fall festival had been an absolute success for chloe.
Decoy II - Part 1: Blown Away
He stepped aside and waved chloe toward the corpse and the team working the scene.
On Their Terms
Of course, his naturally hairless body didn't cause much drag, so he had that advantage over chloe.
Sleep Tight
chloe just rolled her eyes at that, with a slight shock of her head. it felt so heavy, chloe didn't even think about naughty times with lynx, even if it would definitely feel amazing.
digi kimi chapter 2: Making a come back
From chloe saying "sorry it won't, work out because i'm gay," and ran off quickly leaving chloe alone.
non-sequiter : Chloe's Misadventure
chloe was an apprentice, a highly respected one at that. her place in the temple was higher than that of any other, except that of a full fledged summoner. however, chloe was also human, and young at that.
VR Glitch
chloe moved her free paw from her leg to touch her breast, just as jessica was removing her clamps and mimicking chloe's movements.
029 - Prime pt.12
Asks chloe. -you where in the middle of a reply and just went "uuuuhh, a buuhhh" like you just blue screened. explains quadreco. chloe puts their face into their paws and just, rubs it all around for a second.
Jesse asked chloe, "i'm going to see my parents tomorrow. but first, i'm going to have some fun!" he kissed chloe passionately on the lips, and started to fondle her breasts. chloe, though, had other ideas...
A Final Song
"chloe! turn that racket down!" shouted chloe's mum, from the other end of the house, "i can hear it from here!" "it's not racket!" shouted chloe indignantly, "it's music!" "still, can you please turn it down for a minute?" she did, authough reluctantly.
The Chronicles of Vaahn - The Neighbours
chloe and matt johansson proved to be interesting parents for the boys as well. chloe was passionate about music, able to play three instruments and learning a fourth.