Fatal Darkness | NSFW Attempt

The characters are from a roleplay between me and audes please don't get the term "master" and "student" out of context. this is not about pedophilia or dom/sub.

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A Bro In Need: Chapter 1

I need proper context in order to help you."_ _._ "_fuckin_- fine! they're... nice." . _[[[["a little more detail, vega. i can't work with that!"_ _._ "her hips are nice. very nice hips. they do not lie. honest hips and waist. all of it's good.

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Shiloniap Culture

Often used in a hurtful context. blackbird = pet name. dove = pet name. chicken = pet name. rooster = pet name.

The Meteor Kitten

context=3 i'll be honest with you. i nearly fucking died when that thing landed. it was _way_too close to the house, what with the way in blew the windows into my face just as i turned in the direction of the orange glow.

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Demon / Angel Confusion

context=3 _seriously?_ how many people does a girl have to kill to get the right reputation around here?"

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Story for Firon Animation

For a little context i would recommend watching the animation before reading the story! it had been a tiring week.

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Come With Us To Gomorrah, Opportunity Knocks But Once

On a better day, in a better context, maybe it was giving your life for your country, or dying for your god--but all i saw was corpses being made. i grunted, pushed an egg along its course as an old wound tried to fester--but my body didn't let it.

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First Day on Campus Pt.2

"and with that, i release you" the panthress spoke amongst the class, her choice of words strange to the fox, though he figured he must have missed something to place them in context.

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Pokemon: Moral Shadows- Chapter 0

The numbers you'll see in the center will give the transition a level of context that will soon become apparent. i'm doing this primarily to have more possibilities for dirty fun. speaking of which.

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Cursed-Samuel Gretin's Origin

My blade sent chain lightning with every hit, and no matter where it made context on the undead, the head came clean off. after a few minutes of this i had severed the last zombie's head. i walked to what used to be the entrance to this unholy hell hole.

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Protein Shake - Part 2

Read previous parts for context. ... "aaaah!" stan smacked his lips in content and tossed the skeletal remains to the side like a discarded beer can. he then reached into his gym bag, searching among his dirty clothes for his next shake.

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Greenwood - Shooting Star FR

Greenwood est un contexte moderne que j'ai improvisé pour mettre en scène un ikita moderne et réaliste, sans autre pouvoir que son altruisme sans illusion. ceci est une histoire d'entraînement.

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