Navigating in a Changed World - Prolog: News of a Changing World
From public announcements to calls on tv, countries and governments around the world are asking for the mages in their jurisdictions to send representatives for meetings._ _such actions were further reinforced once news came out that the chinese government
Valkyrie Travel Guide - Part 1 - Terra
The survivors of the war were forced to come together and form a provisional government to help rebuild all the countries after the war.
American Empire - Prologue
They didn't allow anthros into either the military or the government.
The Truth
Well, you see, it is incredibly unlikely that any government employee would risk losing his job to disseminate such volatile information.
Unstable Future - Chapter 2
So, people were accepting the government's explanation and it was just considered a national tragedy. frankly, i could not blame the government for what it was doing.
, and can be freely traded with from all governments."
Shadows of Elysium, Mechanics explanations
Procyo: these clever people set up governments which private companies wind up controlling anyway. their society is a giant system of cogs that all the cogs try to manipulate. forest, rain forest, jungle. aven: they form very simple governments.
The Discovery
And so he went outside of the city, which the governement warned against and into this cave, cloistered from the rest of the world.
New Zealand Republic
However "under section 9 of the constitution act, 1867, 'the executive government... is hereby declared... vested in the queen'" (mallory, 1991).
The Colonial Alliance
With its capital at new shanghai on a terraformed mars, the alliance attempts to govern its colonies from the government centers on the planet.
Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa
government corruption: moderate. military strength: moderate. military tactics: bombardment, heavy weapons in general. economy: very lucrative. poorly managed. loyalty of populace: high.
Art Bell Gets His Money's Worth: I
It was a different time then, some would say - but what is the difference between 1984, the time of trust in the government and only winks and whispers that were always drowned out by the brassy