Chapter Five (Now Complete)

Finally she grew tired of doing nothing and rose again to her feet, ignoring the pain of her weary body.

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Happiness is the weight of my collar

"no you can go on back, jim's back there somewhere," she pouted, turning back to her magazine and ignoring him once again.

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Fifteen.

Tezca laughed and i just ignored him as i jogged after the canine.

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School Life

Deciding the best course of action was to just ignore him, like he seemed to ignore her, she moved to her desk and get ready for class. as she moved into the room the fox never even looked back to see who it was.

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This is Life

Don't turn your back on me i won't be ignored time won't heal don't turn your back on me i won't be ignored!!

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Time to live

ignoring the driver she continued to run ignoring everything around her but her goal.

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Beefy's story: Part 1

I humiliated myself out of ignorance time and time again.

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First Desperation

She continued to walk, trying to ignore the urge to pee. for a while, she was able to ignore it, but about 20 minutes into her walk and it just became too much to ignore. "ngh... gotta hold it... no time now to stop and use the bathroom," she thought.

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Keston and his reprieve p3

Keston ignored morten, simply wandering over to the plush and hugging him softly, tear's still painting fresh streaks down his cheeks, even if morten was just a toy, it helped to hug him, "the usual.."

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My eyes are too open to be ignorant. i lack the ignorance to embrace bliss. i see reality as a bitch - and you see me as yours. when you say "i love you", your lies make me want to die.   my eyes are too open to be ignorant. i see it all.

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Katie and the Dragon

I was ignored unless i had spoken to that individual first. i didn't want to commit suicide, as that would have been painful and humiliating. if i was ignored on a constant basis, my body wouldn't be found for quite awhile or at all.


Chapter II: Take Everything Away

The other dog ignored his question, and continued on. "kaeden, age twenty-two, german shepherd, _canis lupus familiaris_, black and tan melanistic coat. is that correct?" "what?

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