Spiral Nebula - Chapter 23
There was no sure sign an infestation but yuri kept an eye out for any thing unusual while they drew closer and closer.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Nine
"working on a poison to eradicate this infestation from canidera."
Abandoned For A Reason
He wasn't sure how many slugs had just infested his body but given the latex-like slime that matted his fur it was a lot.
Converted by the Queen
# they didn't infest him. not immediately, though he felt like they wanted to with all the tongues and tentacles that touched him every time that one of the infested creatures came close.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 18
Before the wolves could react, yuri witnessed a small device being placed on one of the infested stealth which made it explode and evaporate almost instantly. "put them all down," ordered alex, firing a short burst into the nearest infested creature.
Slithery Relations, Chapter 3: Breaking the Guild
Teryx-host turned to those dragons that he had, fewer in number than the others, but more fully infested, the nests stronger and more devoted to each other.
Host with the Most
"i have a few ideas," allen replied, the others looking up to the original parasite that had infested the others.
Friend Roleplays: Squalor and I #2
The tendrils in your belly detach from me to infest your body more, our locked kiss leaving my appendages free to infest and warp your upper body as the tentacles below make your legs and ass swell.
The Bal'Kar Blitz (10/10)
"i've already sent word to gola and they've begun the infestation, soon another city will fall to us just like london has."
The Nexus Island Resort - Day Five
At first it was a whisper but as flowers began to grow on his scales and the infestation pressed into his skull he could feel it even more.
Always Check The Packing Slip P4
He was not a creature infested with plants, he had been completely assimilated by them as he yawned and extended his tongue out nearly two feet before it came back in.
Camping Slugs
Maybe knocking her up too so she's birth more wolves to infest.