I have the power of knowledge, and it is not as wonderful as you expect. if you are here for such knowledge, then begone." he waved me off, and turned his back. "hey! i am not here for your petty knowledge! i'm here for adventure!" i yelled at him.
Nujema: The First Stop
#1 of knowledge of a seeker this is a series of short stories bout my life as a seeker. a cover will be uploaded at a later date.
Portals CYOA CH3
Well, a lack of knowledge, information, skill and training haven't stopped me without a fight before. hopefully winging it won't give me cancer or anything.
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 7
Of _eywa_, and my knowledge of advanced science, technology, and medicine.
DSOTM: Atomic Tiger #1
Now the system was activating, running initial programs to install certain knowledge. basic english, spanish, japanese, russian, and latin - the same ones dr. selta knew.
Polytheism Within My Writing
**the major three** **eryn:** goddess of knowledge. presenting herself as a horse, eryn has a troubled existence filled with the raw knowledge of the universe. often the weight of her awareness will drive her into spells of madness.
Filling His Rubber Paws (4/10)
"what i'm about to show you is something that not even renzyl really knows about," adraxi explained, the knowledge taking chrono slightly by surprise.
Codex Lupine: Prefaec: Vol #1 of Steam and Fur
I remember a time, when this place was full of life, full of knowledge. but then the humans had let that knowledge expand, which then led to their downfall.
The Serpent Curse - Prologue
.): they could not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. adam and eve stand before the trees, staring in awe. serpent (v.o.): but then came the most crafty of the creatures god had created.
34 (DSV Nautica) Eidolon
The capacity do do as they wished was theirs, the knowledge to do so. they existed everywhere in space at the time, yet they were nowhere. they were the eidolon, the knowledge dimension.
Interlude 7
But what could easily pass as a display of arrogance, others could easily consider revealing said knowledge the completion of true wisdom.
Fire From the Darkness Chapter 9
"i am known simply as knowledge young firus. who i am, that question is up for debate." firus was stunned that by the fact he had seemingly just had his mind read. "did you just re-" the knowledge held up his paw, cutting him off.