A Mother's Song - Part 1
#1 of land before time: a mother's song earth shakes shattered the earth, lightning flashed through the sky. a longneck cried out in agony and grief as contractions racked her body.
Chapter Nine: Ptero's Getaway
#10 of the land before time xv: the sharp beak prince ptero runs away from home. **chapter nine: ptero's getaway** at night, as usual, ptero was bored. he'd come back from hunting. he was getting better at it. ptero had a great sense of humor.
Chapter Seven: Ptero and Agatha
#8 of the land before time xv: the sharp beak prince ptero doesn't like his mother's heavy hand meanwhile, at the home of the sharp beaks, ptero wasn't having anywhere near as much fun. "mother, can i please leave the nest and go exploring?"
Freedom, Allies and Confrontation
Then something landed right in front of him. chomper looked at it. it was a flyer sharptooth. chomper then looked better, and his eyes widened.
The Order's Intermission
Littlefoot right ahead, followed by close by sandstorm and yu, ali, ducky and the alimon pack, their shadows darkening the land around then.
Kill or Die
* * * gorjak flew high overhead, and stared down at the land, trying in vain to search for where littlefoot's cave was. he sniffed the air, trying to find petrie's scent. but the winds had blown it all away. he grumbled to himself.
Vanished Guardians and the Offer
Littlefoot stared at it for several moments, and then turned his head towards the land he had called home. he shivered. he couldn't believe this is where he had grown up.
Lemony Snippits
Littlefoot took a few steps back before launching himself off the rock to land in the water with a loud splash. evidently the brave little three-horn hadn't been fast enough in gathering her courage to jump.
One Single Day: Lilly
Medication was almost non-existent outside of teas and their liking, and even in dirty lands like this, a deep wound could mean losing a limb if not treated right away.
Erotic Tournament (Part 6)
Lilly knew she'd need to get in close and fast if she was going to be able to land any blows at all before flora could kick in her abilities. the massively chesty squirrel raced towards the other side of the ring.
Erotic Tournament (Part 2)
This wasn't her first match of this type she had been in and she could only hope that the training she'd gotten so far would be enough to land her a victory.
A More Human(e) Kingdom
He remembered his father telling him that he would rule all of this land, and even remembered part of the speech.