Death Kiss

My name is lexy i have blonde hair with black streaks in it, i'm 5"4 and i stick up for people that deserve it in not popular but i'm not a loner either. i get up slowly my pain from my gashes slowly going numb.

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A New Beginning

So i stood up slowly and nervously said, "my name is zigger wolf, i am a brown bellied wolf, and my mom and i came from the loner wolf village. then i sat down quickly. mr.

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Tik Tik's Death Coach 10

He is such an inscrutable loner, but for the few minutes they were together, she knows he is a man who prides himself on service. what else she also notices is that the horse is gone. tik tik hops up, spinning her tail below her and forming her disc.

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Solis Part 4

I wasn't particularly close to anyone from highschool, mostly a loner in my time. perhaps a few felt sympathy for me though.

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High School Life

Randy and evan was what you would call a loner but that never really bothered them they would just continue on and make money. every time they would make a sale they would go to their secret place.

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Story of the Night Children

"no just rather not look like a loner my first night out." i said quickly. she walked toward a really nice car and opened my door. "c'mon mr. loner man" she laughed at me. i got in with a smirk, and then she got in and drove.

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Some Guys Have All The Luck

loners, social outcasts, rejects by 'social standard'. mostly guys, we each had our own flaws that were the reason for our exile. some were overweight, some were scrawny and most were less than handsome.

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Vic Wildsyde, the Fallen King

"na, he's a total loner. ain't no way vic is kicking it with something that fine" said geo, the brown bull, who was unsure of his own answer.

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Rudolph has Issues I

The cervine was a loner, happily independent and not tied down in any relationships like so many other bucks. those bucks frequently got more trouble out of sex than they'd realize, rudolph had seen the headlines.

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