Bound In Beast Flesh -- The Unlikely
#1 of bound in beast flesh: transformation rpg scraps amazingly, i felt like writing this tonight. concept writing for a text-based game i've wanted to work on for so long. "there is no sense of peace, in what i do now."
Some Sort of Friend.
. - like those in that rpg? - sorta... he stared at my chubby body while i drank from the fountain. by my experience, i knew he was interested in something else, that is beyond my safety in several ways. he pet my head. - so...
World war VI
# looks like we will be missing karaoke joked sargint mack joked everyone laughed at his joke when they got to the island there was lots of shooting rpg derek cried really powerful gun he chuckled "all right men", declared sargint
Ch. 1 Loss of Blood
One of the fighters was able to get his hands on an rpg and aimed it at danny. danny saw this and instinctively jumped off the tank just as the rpg hit the top of the turret.
Brothers in Arms - Sympathy for the Devil
Requesting backup at our location, enountered local militia, taking small arms fi- shit rpg get down!" the team was all business in less than a second. moruea turned off the radio, "where are we!?"
A Gazelle's rubber testicles potion
#3 of stories probably the worst thing i've ever wrote but the word of the post is "rpg" here we follow our gazelle with some hyper knocking low hangers, in the hot savannah, ( and certainly not helping not make his balls sweaty ) as he headed to the zebras
Bad Welcome
There seems to be four enemies, two with high range rifles, one with a rpg, and another with some sort of assault rifle. they are still a good distance away, so we have called in an airstrike.
Chapter 14: Still More Fighting
Exile loaded his grenade launcher with an rpg then aimed at one of the towers. "say goodnight....." he whispered. poof! boom! the first tower disintegrated, the second did the same.
Nathanriel's Fate- Chapter 6
Now one thing to keep in mind is that originally the esana trilogy was supposed to be effectively an inversion of the standard rpg tropes of the heroic humans going out and slaying all those evil monsters where the monsters really were just decent people and
Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 10
As they mopped up the last of the resistance, lars, with an rpg tube in one hand and a crowbar in the other, found darren, crumpled up against a dead canine with a wiry coat of fur. lars stared at darren's work condescendingly.
[WIP] 2047 A.D.Heavens Fall [EN-001] Remastered
"here's an rpg-7. this weapon comes from another country. the invaders are not allowed to learn of our existence under any circumstances." "got it." the truck stopped. "here, take the anti-tank and wait for the transporter.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 36: Zero hour! The destruction of Fur Dreams City begins!
Tia said in a lean voice again and snatched an rpg from one of the passengers. there was a small struggle over it, but tia simply punched the fox in the face.