Chapters 1-3 of "The Sly"

#2 of the slyful foxes # (dont forget to comment) # chapter one: a runaway cart huh. it is consequently official, the town i had grown up in died, figuratively of course, but because of the economy.

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Land of the Free and Home of the Slaves: Prologue & Chapter 1

They gradually passed beyond sight of the bridge, looking for the runaway. both were too far away to hear the soft splash that came from beneath the bridge a minute after they left.

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Never Let You Go (Part VIII)

I wasn't sure exactly how long I had been asleep. There was barely any light out, so I couldn't have been out for more than a few hours. However, my awakening was hardly peaceful. I snapped up a little as I felt someone shaking me rather violently. I...

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Never Let You Go (Part VI)

Javier was around the door when the two of us arrived. It took a moment for him to realize that we were there, but he gave an immense sigh of relief as he opened the door for us, muttering something to himself. "Just hurry and get back in here, okay? I...

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The Siren's Call: Prologue

From the common sailor to runaways. even the king's navy send men to keep an eye on the bandits and thieves who might be lurking here." she smiled knowingly to herself as she took another large gulp of ale.

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The First To Go

Probably still on the streets, a hopeless runaway from a hopeless situation. i closed my eyes briefly remembering the pain of being in a foster home. i was used as a means to get extra money, nothing less...but sometimes a whole lot more...

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A night with a reaper

It hadn't take him long to find the runaway soul. it was a young lady, unlike the others, he was going to give her a choice, and unlike the others, he would tell her what would happen. he had turnned to a diffrent from.

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Aleu Learns

You cannot just runaway like that. you scared us all half to death!", he shouted firmly. "i'm sorry, papa. that wasn't smart.", she said. "aleu, you must return home with me now.", said balto. "no, papa. i feel ...

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Some Sort of Friend.

I'm a runaway kitten. - like those in that rpg? - sorta... he stared at my chubby body while i drank from the fountain. by my experience, i knew he was interested in something else, that is beyond my safety in several ways. he pet my head. - so...

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Tales of Zootopia: Sax and Mikey

He died when he was hit by a runaway train. as he died, bleeding his last, he lamented the way that he wasted his life on meaningless safety, crying "i should have smelled the roses" repeatedly as he passed on.

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Eric Gudvar - Character Detail

Next they found a young runaway fox, so young that despite what his heart told him he felt he should return him to his home, but he decided to trust his instincts and allowed the kit to stay with them; a choice he has never regretted.

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North Star

A man generally has no trouble convincing people to help him find his runaway wife. it is a pity that this rule does not extend to runaway husbands. but where there are no people, there are no people to help him.

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