Random Fight Scene
This a random scene i wrote depicting my raptor fursona, blayze, engaged in a fight for his life. this has absolutely nothing to do with anything else i've written, and there is virtually no plot to be found here.
Scene - Third Act
The lizard drank in the scene with pleasure.
Scene - Costume Change
A scene for the character tanaang, showing what he does when performing for an audience. or, rather, what he does in between his performances to keep his audience coming back for more. costume change by sajja another day, another dance completed.
Nordguard scene exercise
**I visited the creative writing teacher and he suggested I do this excersise for my new fanfic. The excersise was to create a picture of a landscape with nothing but words and using the senses, I had my friend Dash help with the mistakes I made but...
HTTYD: The Lost Scene
Ever since Hiccup found the Night Fury he dubbed Toothless, nothing has been the same for him. DISCLAIMER: The characters in this story are copyrighted by DreamWorks and Cressida Cowell. I do not claim any ownership over them. Also, if you do not like...
Chilling Out (A Scene)
**chilling out:** **a scene** by dissident love copyright 2017 _as always, all the blame for this little fluff piece of nonsense lies at the feet of my muse, seph.
Scene from a forest
Lol scene from a forest the wind tore through the small forest, raging like a river, obliterating several withered old pines. the sinewy fibers of the younger trees bent in the wind's direction, but did not fall.
Zootopia Deleted Scene
Zootopia deleted scene a/n if only this was an actual deleted scene... but yeah, i've decided to dip my toe into the fanfiction waters.
A random scene con.
Another scene!! i have written this scene long ago but i was too busy to fix the grammar and stuff. however, here it is. :) the night had come. a curtain light shine through the window where a bunny sat in front of a desk.
05 - Return to the Scene
Jack was glad to be taking me back to the gym. I had not yet talked to Geoffrey directly about keeping the job, though Jack had told him what I was thinking. So taking me in today meant that I was going to be doing exactly that. We chatted amiably on...
"That flashy ad..."
Percival walked slowly through the forest at night. The sounds of crickets echoed among the trees while the rabbit walked on lazy short steps. His life as dungeons explorer was becoming increasingly difficult since his father died in an exploration....
"Que anúncio chamativo..."
Percival andava lentamente pela floresta à noite. Os sons dos grilos ecoavam entre as árvores enquanto o coelho andava à passos curtos e preguiçosos. Sua vida de explorador de masmorras estava tornando-se cada vez mais difícil desde que seu pai morreu...