Lion King : Pride United part 6

Ok hold her body still and i'll pull ot back got me. yes(lioness's hold kiaras body and the singular lioness grabs kiaras leg and tells kiara)ok this is going to hurt alot before it feels better ok. just pull it already.

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"now" is the only singularity you can occupy. it passes by and becomes something else before you even have the time to describe it but what if "now" was the only thing that was? with no future to fear and no past to mull over or grow nostalgic about ?

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into oblivion

"i will detonate the gamma burst emitter which was used when the moon was first starting to be teraformed, if i can get down to the lower levels of the vault i should be able to use the device to channel its power into its self thus creating a singularity

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The Furry Parable Ch.4 (ending 1)

But, i guess this was all planned out from the beggining.... all of danny's actions had one singular consequence that even i couldn't predict.

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Tragic Life Part Two

His sleek body cut through the pool as if he was a singular piece of metal or more accurately a well oiled machine.

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Fire and Water

The earth could have cracked when they're orgasm came, in a singular, perfected union that two partners worked together in an endless cycle of practice and play.

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Remnants of Nocurin

A bipedal figure with cloven hooves, a thick coarse tail, a mane as long as the creature and a singular horn protruding from its head. specks of multi-color paint remain on the creature's mane. who were you?

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The professor's singular optic was half closed, mimicking a human narrowing their eyes.** **the pack was soon sent on their way by the scary belt wielding robot, who chuckled smugly as he put the belt back on and headed home.** **once the small group had

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SYBT: Replacement Clause

She tried to move her eyes but laue found them fixed on a singular spot on the wall. their unmoving firmly cemented in jade. she tried to scream out of her open mouth, but nothing came. her mouth was for show, all of her was.

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Red Revision

The reason was a singular fixation that kept him from the creation of accepted art.

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Furtasian Species Guide

Feel free to post a question if you're curious about one of them :3 they're organized in the following way: **main group** **_sub group_** species (given as the singular form of the species' name).

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Termination Shock

The tidal force of the singularity split their flesh into cells, split their cells into molecules, molecules to atoms, atoms to quarks, leptons and bosons, a stream of elementary particles that had been asherah and el spiraling towards the singularity.

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