Chapter XI: Dead Memories

With his forces exhausted stone sought out other options to aid the war effort, namely the use of captured alien technology.

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Virtually Real Part 0: Introduction

The story itself focuses on an individual born in modern times getting his hands on alien technology and, in his enthusiasm to become his perfect self, ends up making himself practically immortal. realizing that he may have gone a bit overboard.

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Project Warblade: Chapter 5

Making his way through the halls of the Medical Research Unit, Doctor Blitz Syrvin had just finished up with checking on the other Warblade Specimens. The arctic fox had entirely white fur, topped off by a tuft of blue hair and a pair of yellow eyes,...

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Space Love of a Human and Turian

Enjoy =3 after the mars protheans ruins was founded by humans or humanity for some aliens.

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Space Romance

Enjoy =3 after the mars protheans ruins was founded by humans or humanity for some aliens.

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Tales from Anthracite City 8: Metamorphosis

A latent human psychic native to this world that had his powers forcibly awakened with alien technology and enslaved to serve as a communications operator for the owners of said alien technology, brandon did his job and did it well but there was no

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AMPK: Prologue

They could easily get hold of alien technology and destroy the world." the female agent raised her hand as the white hair lady finished handing out the folders. "aren't all these supposed to come with a psych eval?"

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Creation of Furries Ch. 2

That box was a piece of alien technology. we had already gotten a body, but we couldn't believe it. a humanoid tiger. it was unbelievable. then, when i saw you as a wolf, that shocked me further. well, i'm currently safeguarding the box.

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Not Quite Prometheus

With any luck, one of these files contained schematics for some kind of alien technology, or maybe starship designs. he was so overwhelmed with hope and possibility that for several minutes he neglected to actually open any of the files.

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OSC: First Contact

It was clearly alien technology, and primitive. he growled, twitching from the tip of his snout to the rotating claws at the end of his feet. this was a waste of time.

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Chapter 6

I needed some login credentials or something before i could safely go any deeper into such alien technology. damage, access panel 1d-43.

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Chapter 4: Mission.

Trav had explored the area earlier, with his new found knowledge of alien technology, gazing in awe at the equipment on display.

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