A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 1 (Part 2)
**--Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening--** **Part 2** **Sara** had finally finished the first half of her round-trip tour of the Sinnoh region, and man, was she _worn out_! Her journey had taken her through practically ever major city in the area, along...
Cold Days - Chapter 3
Cold Days Chapter 3 July 3rd, 2013 It's been a week and a half since Dakota and I's "fight". Her relationship status was displayed single everywhere. It resulted in a few sleepless nights, but I was grateful for my best friend Kayleb to be...
Lockdown (read at your own risk)
I know because i've joked about these kinds of things before due to my dark humor in life and i have experienced it myself (sadly, it was all a false alarm because some kid decides to bring a knife), but i want to make this a serious one.
They Reign - 1
"hopefully not to wake up to them telling us that it was a false alarm," franklin chuffed in the way only felines did.
A Search for Slime
My colleague called through he radio announcing a false alarm, causing the creature to change direction and look at me. a tendril, originally pointed at the notebook, began waving around slowly in the air as it seemed to sense me.
Quarterback Sac... The star Quarterback is enjoying a high school aged Charns oral talents... First time sacking...
"false alarm!" he breaths in relief, suddenly becoming aware of a burning pain in his groin! glancing down at the tiger who now lays sprawled across the floor. the big jock sees a curiously pleased smile on his stripped muzzle.
Closed Cases - FSF Archives - D-6AC Call 10-10 M-97F Discharge
It was protocol to walk slowly towards possible calls as they often are false-alarms. i turned a corner, then being across the street from officer mahoney.
Chapter 1 (intro, no sex)
Even if this was a false alarm, we have to be certain." meress nodded, and pulled out her own key. waving her staff, she dispelled the wards protecting the door.
The Mousetrap
The gamma lab alarm was a false alarm and technicians are on their way now. again, the gamma lab alahhhhhhhhrm was a false alarm. all hands, cancel evacuation and... return... to... duuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeh!" the intercom cut off.
However, they both quickly removed their masks; one was a badger and the other was a fox who was rapidly walking away from me muttering "wasting my time with false alarms, i've got more important things to do."
Chapter 73: You Always Had My Love
"so," yawned keeno from the hall, "false alarm?" "false alarm," mio confirmed. the others went back to bed. kilyan remained, and looking at him, keme realized his mother wasn't there.
Confessions of a Beargator Bandit
Seeing how i was just new to the sheriff's position i figured folk would go around spouting nonsense and making false alarms. especially since i wasn't well like around town for being an open homosexual.