_In the moonlit garden, Mike, a furry husky, follows an otherworldly force, discovering a hidden clearing with a shimmering portal to a mystical realm of werewolves. Stepping through, he witnesses two werecreatures, a weredog and a werehyena, sharing a...
Blowjob, Cowgirl, Doggypstylle, Enchanted Realm, Erotic, Furry, Furry companions, Intimate Connection, Intimate moments, Kingdom, Longdick, M/F, Magical ambiance, Male on female, Mating, Moonlight glow, Moonlit Adventure, Mysterious sounds, Otherworldly energy, Otherworldly journey, Sex, Shimmering portal, Story, Threesame, Voyerisms, WereWolfs, Werewolves' kingdom, Yiff, porn, rider, werewolves
Slush pulled up her furry companion and placed him on her stomach with his rear towards her.the dog sniffed at slush's hardening member."go ahead." the dragoness insisted licking delicatly at her pet's testes.
Anal, Bestiality, Cum, Dog, Dragoness, M/Herm, Vaginal, Watersports
The trainer reached down picking up his furry companion "come on you little fluff ball, no sense standing outside in the snow."
kyuma's tail began wagging happily "vee!"
Clean, Eevee, Human, Pokemon
My furry companion looked oddly at her hand. "oh, my. this isn't right."
i let out a nervous, high-pitched laugh at the comment.
"you really shouldn't have seen this," she continued. "i guess i got a little too wasted last night.
Human, Humor, M/F, Never Seen Sex Act, Short, Short Story
Despite the occasional human rebellious thought, he lived as long as any human would as a faithful furry companion.
Autofellatio, Canine, Dog, Great Dane, Human, Humiliation, Legend, M/solo, Magic, Transformation, myth, self sucking
As i counted my money, my heart skipped a beat when i reached the asking price for my furry companion back at the toy store.
without missing a beat i was out the door and running as fast my legs could take me to get back in time.
Anal, Human, Lion, M/M, Oral, Transformation, plushy
Your furry companion leads you down a nearly-invisible path through the rocks and down the side of the cliff. though the path is sturdy and wide, a glance over the edge has you hugging the wall and feeling the rush of vertigo.
Bondage, M/F, Transformation
He gently nuzzled his furry companion and licked his nose. darsil simply sniffled and giggled running a paw lightly up sousuke's abdomen. sousuke murred quietly and continued nuzzling darsil. "so do you do this with all your 'dates'?"
Anal, Bondage, First Time, Fox, Knot, M/M, Plot Development
Sleep soon caught the human and he drifted off to sleep quickly, feeling the warmth of his furry companion.
Boy, Cock, Dog, Dream, Erection, Gay, Human, Rape, affection, force, near
Enjoying the warm embrace of his furry companion, he resumed bathing in the sensations of bodily union, diving deeply into her precious well over and over while he looked her in the eyes.
Bestiality, Cum, Cunnilingus, Feline, Feral, Human, Liepard, M/F, Messy, Oral, Pokemon, Pokephilia, Sex, Short, Vaginal, Zoophilia