The Donkey show...
The small group of young predators staggered through the dark streets drunkenly, they had crossed over into the equine kingdom to party. One tall handsome Wolf and his sexy bitch, one sleek red Fox along with his sexy Vixen. And a...
Castration, Cuckolding, Donkey, Fox, Intoxication, M/F, M/M, Mule, Predator/Prey, Small cock shame, Tiger, Tigress, Trickery, Vixen, Wolf, Wolf female
"So did your parents decide if they're coming down to the tournament this weekend?" Tab the handsome orange Feline asked his teammate Cameron, as they walked back to their Dormitory from class."My dad can't make it, he'll be in the office all...
Alpha Male, Big Cock, Cat, Creampie, Cuckolding, Cunnilingus, Fox, Gay desire for straight, Incest, Intoxication, Jocks, M/F, MILF, Masturbation, Mother, Seduction, Small cock shame, Son, Tabby, Vaginal, Vixen, Voyeurism, jealousy
Just like before this story is filled with ntr and small dick shaming, you have been warned!
it has been a couple days since the prince had come to stay in glenda's quarters.
Breeding, Cheating, Cock Shaming, Cuckolding, Cum, Cunnilingus, Female, Impregnation, Male, NTR, Oral, Pregnancy, Pregnant, Rodent, Sex, Size shaming, Squirrel, Stoat, Vaginal, adultery
The first chapter features some juicy public humiliation, spanking, chastity, butt plugs, and small cock shaming.
Ageplay, Butt plug, Chastity, Diaper, Diapers, Domination, Female, Humiliation, Male, Paddling, Public humiliation, Punishment, Rottweiler, Spanking, Wolf, muzzle