Not the most sex-centric story in the world, more something to introduce an old character of mine. Indira is indeed Mahiri's mother, and they don't remain apart forever in my 'canon'. * * * She looked just like the poster. In his...
_Crocuta spelea_, she pumps in my blood, heart pounds, legs pound, lungs pound, mind is silent. Silent as the Death it mates with. Stronger than _Lupus dirus_, yet weaker with each passing evolution. She sighs, she dies. _Crocuta crocuta_...
Striped and Spotted
The striped hyena's purple eyes constantly drifted between his picture and the other spotted hyena sitting on the opposite end of the bed, periodically shifting through tv channels, apparently unable to settle on any one.
Sounds Better Together [Request]
There's always that little bit of nervousness when you've set up a good time for a hookup, and then are just waiting around for it to roll by... this feeling had been magnified this time by what would come. I mean - usually there's two or three wolves...
Battle of the Harem
A spotted hyena walking in and taking a very short look around in her confident and strong gaze that allowed her to view this entire area.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:30
"i mean, if the boys have a penis, and so did the girls, then how did spotted hyenas breed?" ada clasped a paw over her eyes, letting out an irritated groan.
Commission - Among the Clan
**Among the Clan ** The shadows moved about ahead of her, she could hear their giggles and cackles and that distinctive whooping sound to lure the others in. They had her scent, they knew where she was hiding and yet they were prowling in fascination...
Tales from the BellHunterVerse Ch2
Pressing the curtain against the wall with one paw was a large, female spotted hyena in a pair of pale blue nursing scrubs.
All's Fare [Sketch]
So she was _that_ kind of spotted hyena.
Animal Impulse [Raffle]
Of all the kinds of hunger Lucas had felt, desire tended to be by far the heaviest and most persistent. It was like a sort of pleasurable discomfort straining between his legs, this pressure and presence that he couldn't help but remain aware of, no...
Stuck between Kion and a Hard place
Having fallen behind in his race with Jasiri, Kion looks for a possible shortcut. The lion cub sees a hole in a small rocky out cropping that might allow him to catch up. "Perfect." The prince grins. He turns and jumps through the rock. The cub crawled...
Another Good Dog [Collab]
Then next thing he knew, he was being pulled along through the crowds of people by this tall, sleek spotted hyena in front of him, her paw still holding his.