The Arctic War 3

The airlift we are taking to the forward base is at least fifteen years old. the crew aren't so great, most of them are greenhorns that were just drafted, most just got out of high school and didn't get into college.

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Heart's Longing Message - Short Story

When he got the call that i was airlifted to a hospital and that i was alive he booked the first available flight and came to see me in the hospital they had taken me to.

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And all the world is torn asunder: chapter 2

"that's injured people, and their families only to be airlifted. everyone one else will be evacuated by convoy."

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Shattered Femur

"they're probably gonna have to airlift me out of here," the lion argued. moongaze gave him more water. "besides, you have a mate to tend to..." "my mate has given me his blessing to be here," moongaze countered. "and you are in need of my help.

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Chapter 4: The Last Resort Resort

It would suck if you had to be airlifted out of a classy resort to go to a stale hospital. now that he thought of it, he didn't even know if he was airlifted when he was hospitalized. that would have been cool.

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London Calling - Prologue : Live on BBC

Just minutes ago, the royal family was airlifted from the grounds at buckingham palace to an as of yet undeclared location. police are trying to quell the rioters with cs gas, and several dozen have been taken into custody.

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Chiricov- Chapter 8: Bad to Worse

I was hoping that our airlift would be there when we reached the extraction point. for an unknown reason i felt uneasy; a lot just wasn't adding up.

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The Dark-Wolf Legacy: Chapter 2 [Retribution-part 1]

I repeat evac and   radio in airlift, we need to get out of here!' ...csssssssssss!.. static... nothing but static.. "please.. don't even bother" 'why? because the radiation's blockin' the signal?' "no..

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The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 2-Korea,1950,Part 1

Trying to get airlifted to the land of oz?" "no, i'm doing this just to get a section 8." "uh... ok then? anyway, can you give me a tour around the place when we're done eating?" "eh, i'm still tired, but okay."

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Chapter 4: First Impressions Count

€all units… this is colonel dyke… tried… airlifting bravo… nighthawks low on fuel… units hold position… morning… repeat… units… position until morning…†â€damn, the signal keeps breaking up!

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Chapter 1: Beginnings; Chapter 2: Damages

The two were airlifted, along with ryan. to the nearby hospital, the one ryan works at. they had sent a sar team into the forest and found the rest of the camping group in a cave near the lake, about a mile from the campsite.

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The ones left alive: part 3

"we have recovered the presidents children and are going to the airport to signal an airlift for us." he looked at us like we were the messiahs "we would like to know if you wanted to go with us."

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