
Introduction.edit: this information is now outdated. anyone seeking information in regards to the alliance universe or the hu multiverse should consult my wikia at you for your time.this is an introduction to the alliance universe

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Will elexion stones

It was obviously of imperial design, the whole thing not as efficient or smooth as any alliance design.

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The battle of t'alteran

Having lost their flagship and rallying point, the imperial forces fled from orbit, closely followed by alliance fighters. in my ship, the orion, i journeyed back to earth. the alliance would call when they needed me.

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Shola Noir

#1 of fan works a brief story i did based off of lisanne norman's sholan alliance series, following her specifications in regards to certain criteria. if you haven't read the series yet, i cannot recommend it highly enough.

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The games: Chapter 6- How to meet your enemies...

The careers were going around to all the tributes; brey assumed they were making the alliances that they have each year. because brey stayed in the shadows, no-one wanted to come near him, even if they did see him.

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Retake kanotan for the alliance.

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reached the town after about 5 minutes, and found an abandoned house right by the edge of the woods. I gently placed the Braixen on the ground, happy to get a rest from carrying her, and crawled in through a smashed window, and unlocked the back door....

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Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 5: UNC

The alliance marine turned back to his discovery, reluctantly downloading the insignia and the writings to his omnitool. a few seconds later, and both were downloaded.

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Star Wars Saber Squadron trailer

Realizing this, the rebel alliance has formed a new squadron called saber squadron. this rag tag group of pilots are the underdogs of the rebel alliance.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 4: Friends in Low Places

What you can do now is to forge an alliance with them, as this will help you." "how are we supposed to make a friend from those fucking traitors if we are too prone to kill them, huh?

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The Colonial Alliance

**the colonial alliance** president of the alliance: simon ganesh (male, terran) chancellor of the alliance: samina tawfeek (female, tesgnov - desert) based in the sol system, the colonial alliance is the truest human government in space.

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